Microsoft Windows Ver.1.01
Microsoft Windows Versions
Screenshot of Windows VISTA
Screenshot of Windows 7
Screenshot of Windows XP
Main window
The basic Icons on the desktop Recycle Ben: contains deleted folders and files My Computer: Displays the Local Disks of Hard Disk Drive and the DVD-ROM. My Documents: to allow user paging his personal documents. Internet Explorer: to allow user paging websites. My Network Places: to allow share files and create networks with other computers
Methods of closing windows ----------------------------------------------- One L.C. on red X on top right corner. Press Alt key + F4 key. L.C. on file from menu bar then L.C. close. R.C. on logo of window on top left corner then L.C. close. Left Double-click on logo of window.
Methods of closing windows ----------------------------------------------- Press Ctrl key +Alt key, with the continuation of pressing these two key press Delete key then End-Task. Press Alt key with continuation of pressing press space-bar from keyboard then click x-close. Sometimes all these methods do not work, press Esc key from keyboard then click quit or End, Close, or Exit depend on the word used for program. On taskbar, R.C. on window then close.
Types of Bars
Status Bar
Icons views
Sorting of Icons
How to make folder
How to make folder
Types of Files DOC, DOCX Word files PPT, PPTX PowerPoint files XLS, XLSX Excel files Txt Text document MP3, WAV, MPG, FLV Soundtrack and movies file PDF PDF file document JPG, BMP, GIF Image file HTML Webpage EXE Executable file
To create text file
How to change the appearance of desktop
The two styles of Start Menu
Right-click on the start then Left click on properties
Control Panel
Search Command
Method of Search Write phrase of your filename Write part or all of your filename Write phrase of your filename Write phrase of your filename You can limit the search for your file in the hard drivers
Turn off computer