Reliance Health Gain
Retail Health In case of health products “Health Gain” is a very superior product which has 7 key benefits available and it comes at various sum insured to suit the needs of every segment of customers. Key Features of Health Gain Twice As Nice Double Sum Insured in each Policy Period – Reinstatement of SI Double Sum Insured in 4 years – Cumulative Benefit & Call option Double Policy Periods – Insurance Renewal Extended Family Cover Protection of entire family along with Parents, Parent in law, Brothers, Sisters, Grand Parents, Grand Children, Daughter-in-law & Son-in-law. Service Guarantee Policy Service Claim service
Retail Health Contd…. Renewal Guarantee Female Proposer @5% * Life Long No Claims Loading for Claims Female Proposer @5% * Special discount on policy premium for Female proposer where she is a Widow covering self/children Individual covering self provided she is unmarried/widowed/divorced Girl Child Cover @5%* Special discount on policy premium which covers a girl child under a floater.
Up to 10% of SI, subject to a maximum of Rs 50,000 What is Covered Benefits Hospitalization Yes In-Patient Treatment Day Care Treatments Pre-hospitalization 60 days Post hospitalization 60 Days Domestic Road Ambulance upto 1500 Domiciliary Hospitalization Up to 10% of SI, subject to a maximum of Rs 50,000
What is covered Plan Name Plan A Plan B Sum Insured - on annual basis 3Lacs, 6Lacs , 9Lacs 12Lacs, 15Lacs & 18Lacs Entry Age – Minimum Individual/Floater - 5 Years or above. Children between 91 days & upto 4 years can be covered under a floater with at least 1 member of age 21 years or above Entry Age – Maximum 65 years. No entry age bar for SI 3Lacs 65 years Exit Age Life Long Individual Option Max 6 members under the same policy Floater Option Max 6 members under the same floater = 4(children) + 2 (members>= 21 years of age) Max 6 members under the same floater = 4 (children )+ 2 (members>= 21 years of age) Pre-policy Issuance Medical Check up >= 46 years >= 18 years
1 Lac PA-Death cover for Policyholder-Insured What is covered Cumulative Bonus Yes Call option Reinstatement of Base Sum Insured Claim Service Guarantee Policy Service Guarantee SI of Rs 10000 SI of Rs 20000 Accidental Death Cover for No Claim Renewal No 1 Lac PA-Death cover for Policyholder-Insured Insurance Renewal One time Renewal premium waiver if the Policyholder-Insured suffers from named CI Wellness
What is covered Benefit Covers Requirement Hospitalization expenses Actual Medical expenses incurred in a Hospital Min 24 hrs or Day Care, 10 bedded, DOA in Policy Period Pre- Post 60 days before/after DOA should be for same ailment Domestic Road Ambulance Actual Expenses Emergency situation, Nearest Hospital Donor Expenses Surgery expenses of Donor Pre/Post excluded , As per Human Organ Transplant Act Domiclilary Costs Incurred @ home Insured cannot be moved to hospital for lack of accomodation Wellness Dr online & Health Portal Our website Log in, Mobile no: & email id Cumulative Bonus 33.3% upto max 100% an same reduction No claims Reinstatement of Base SI Equal to Base Sum Insured sublimit 20% for same/related claim Call option Doubling Sum Insured 4 consecutive claim free years Claim Servicing Guarantee 1% for every 6 hrs beyond 6 hrs 1% for every 21 days beyond 21 days All documents & information Policy Servicing guarantee Delay in issuance > 10 days All documents & medical report Accidental Death Cover Pays Rs 1 lac Policyholder to be Insured Insurance Renewal Free- Automatic Renewal for 1 year - Diagnosed with named CI
What is not covered First 30 days – Only accidental hospitalization First 2 year – Arthritis , Gout, Rheumatism & all vertebrae Disorders ,Spondylitis, Spondylosis, Spondylolisthesis & Intervertebral Disc Prolapse, Joint Replacement Surgery Benign ear, nose and throat (ENT) Disorders and Surgeries, Tonsillectomy and Tympanoplasty, Sinusitis Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy Cataract Dilatation and Curettage Fissure / Fistula in anus, Hemorrhoids / Piles, Pilonidal Sinus, any abscess related to Anal region, Gastric and Duodenal Ulcers Surgery of Genito urinary system unless necessitated by malignancy All types of Hernia, Hydrocele Hysterectomy for menorrhagia or fibromyoma or fibroids Internal tumors, skin tumors, cysts, nodules, polyps including breast lumps (each of any kind) unless malignant Kidney Stone/ Ureteric Stone/ Lithotripsy / Gall Bladder Stone Varicose veins and varicose ulcers
What rules should I know Claim Minimum 24 hrs hospitalization except for Day Care Hospital should 10 bedded for 10 Lac population & 15 bed others Single Private Room, pro rata in case of violation RSD Risk Start date for fresh proposal later of (Inward Date + 1 or Cheque date ) Risk Start date for renewals later of (Policy Expiry date + 1 or Inward Date + 1 or Cheque date ) subject to it being within 15 days of Policy Expiry date UW Medical Test 1)under Plan A for age > =46 (Rs 825) & 2) Plan B for age >=18 (Rs 2800) Medicals @ our centre with customer paying full amount . We will re-imburse 50% on acceptance Each proposal will be tele-underwritten If loaded for Pre-existing Disease then loading applicable life long Call option is available upto age 60 years . Max SI ( after exercising call option) can be minimum of (4 times Base SI or Rs 50lac ). Once this is reached CB shall cease to apply Proposal Name , Age , Signature , email id & Mobile No: of proposer are mandatory Declaration of PED for each member If we are taking individual cover then each member has to opt for same SI
Premium Collection-Process EMI Authorization form to be collected from Insured Original Cancelled Chq (From proposer) First Installment through Cheque OR DD ID proof ( of Proposer) Proposal from (System generated)
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