Y11 Rivers Thurs 12 Dec cover work
Task 1 – copy and complete in your exercise book (choose from the words in red below) In the upper course of any river, ________ is always the main force because the _________ of the river is steep and it has a lot of energy, especially during _____ ______ and heavy rain. The main process of erosion is __________ and this causes _________ and vertical erosion of the banks and the ____ of the river. Remember that the conditions in the Pyrenees can be harsh and therefore weathering can affect the slopes of the valley. Landslides and ______________ can carry materials down the slope and into the river where it is _____________ away. This often makes the valley steeper and gives it a ____________ appearance. snow melt, transported, erosion, V-shaped, avalanches, gradient, abrasion, lateral, bed
Task 2 – read the information below Task 3 – make notes in your exercise book about what waterfalls and gorges are Waterfalls are where water descends vertically. Waterfalls are usually created by a change in rock type. As the river moves from hard rock to soft rock, erosion increases creating a waterfall. As the water falls over the waterfall it erodes the river bed and the bottom of the waterfall. This makes a plunge pool and causes some undercutting. The undercutting creates an overhang which will eventually become too heavy to be supported and collapse into the plunge pool. The whole process then starts again, which means the waterfall is constantly retreating upstream towards the source. As the waterfall retreats it leaves behind a gorge. A gorge is a deep sided valley left behind when a waterfall retreats.
Task 4 – Copy out the following pictures and annotations into your exercise book
Task 5 – Look through these pictures of waterfalls below Task 5 – Look through these pictures of waterfalls below. Try to spot the main features – gorge sides, plunge pool, overhanging harder rock
Task 6 – Find an example of a waterfall Task 6 – Find an example of a waterfall. Write out case study notes about it including the following: Where the waterfall is (get a map to show the location) What rock types are there Find a picture of the waterfall and annotate it to show the key features of the landform (gorge, plungepool etc) What is the area used for (tourism/conservation?) PRINT you case study out and STICK it in your book
Task 7 – Read through this website on waterfalls in the Yorkshire Dales http://www.walkingenglishman.com/dalesguide/waterfalls/master.htm
Task 8 – Look through the websites below about oxbow lakes (you do not have to make notes) http://www.mbgnet.net/fresh/lakes/oxbow.htm http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/rivers-oxbow-lakes/405.html http://education.nationalgeographic.co.uk/education/encyclopedia/oxbow-lake/?ar_a=1