Limbrick News We’re the best performing school in the city! Date: 15th December 2017 Latest news: Special mention certificates were awarded to: Reception – Riley & the whole class Yr 1 – Nousin & Princess Yr 2 – Leonardo Yr 3 – Alica Yr 4 – Wellington Yr 5 – Jack Yr 6 – Chelsea & Ola We’re the best performing school in the city! We are delighted to share our amazing news with you ……..LIMBRICK WOOD ARE THE BEST PERFORMIMG SCHOOL IN COVENTRY. We are so proud of our children’s achievements, and I know you will join me and my governors in thanking my dedicated staff team for always going the extra mile to ensure our children reach their full potential, both academically and creatively. The Coventry telegraph report can be found at Christmas Post Box: Our Christmas post box is now open. Please remember to add the child’s class to the name on each envelope – so that our postmen can deliver correctly. Lights, Camel, Action......It’s Strictly the Nativity: We are really looking forward to presenting our Christmas production to you all next Tuesday and Wednesday, at 9.15am on both days. I would like to remind you that no children from any other school will be allowed to watch our production so please make arrangements for any children who are unwell or absent from school for any reason, to be looked after by someone. Thank you. After School Club will be cancelled on the last day of term, Thursday 21st December: As usual, our After School Club won’t be running on the last day of the Autumn term. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. . Sports Clubs including tennis club, cancelled next week The sports clubs will be cancelled during the last week of term, week commencing 18th December.
Limbrick News Diary dates: Friday 15th December – Deadline for parent governor nominations, 4.00pm Tuesday 19th December – Lights, Camel, Action......It’s Strictly the Nativity, YR –Y6, 9.15am Wednesday 20th December – Lights, Camel, Action .......It’s Strictly the Nativity, YR –Y6, 9.15am Wednesday 20th December – Nursery Christmas party Wednesday 20th December – KS2 Christmas disco, 3.15pm – 4.45pm Thursday 21st December – last day of term Monday 8th January – first day of Spring term Car park available for Christmas events – There will be limited parking in the school car park for the Christmas productions next Tuesday and Wednesday, weather permitting. Once the car park is full, please park on Jardine Crescent to allow full access down Bush close for emergency vehicles. Thank you Letters this week: Y5 & Y6 Young Voices (last Friday) YR – Y6 It’s Strictly the Nativity YR – Y6 Christmas dinner letter (packed lunch children only) Y3 – Y6 Christmas disco New Faces: None this week. Costs: Dinner money: £2.20 per day £11.00 per week School Uniform: School Coats - £16.00 Fleeces - £13.50 Sweatshirts – £8.00 / £9.50 (depending on size) Book bags – £4.00 Pump bags – £4.00 Breakfast Club: £ 2.00 Per day After School Club: £ 5.50 Per day Attendance and Punctuality: The percentage attendance for each class, for last week, is shown below: Nursery 83.3% Reception 71.5.% Year 1 91.9% Year 2 94.0% Year 3 82.3% Year 4 92.1% Year 5 92.5% Year 6 94.1% Total 88.1% Please ensure your children arrive at school on time. The bell goes at 8.55am. Children need to arrive at school between 8.45am and 8.55am, in order to undertake early morning work. Therefore we will continue to record poor punctuality. If children arrive after 8.55am, they will be recorded in the late book and their parents/carers will be asked to sign the late book and record the reason why.