The Age of Napoleon.


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Presentation transcript:

The Age of Napoleon

So what about “fraternity”? (nationalism)- A strong feeling of pride and devotion to one’s culture, race, country.

The Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte Corsican Military genius Savior Hero

Dissolution of Directory First Consul Plebiscite vote of the people Napoleon takes control of France -1799 Josephine Dissolution of Directory First Consul Plebiscite vote of the people

Napoleon Brings Order Centralized government Efficient tax system Education-lyceums Concordat with Vatican The Napoleonic Code-Order at the expense of individual freedom

1804 Emperor of the French Failures in the New World/Egypt Revolution in Haiti-1804 1803- Louisiana Purchase Humiliation in love

Napoleon Conquers Central Europe 1803-1805 Confederation of the Rhine Duchy of Warsaw(Poland) Alliances with Prussia, Austria, and Russia ( Did Napoleon create the idea of a united Germany?)

British Opposition Naval Superiority 1805-Battle of Trafalgar Admiral Horatio Nelson Destruction of French fleet British supremacy lasts 100 years Britain free from invasion

The French Empire-1812 Largest since Rome Destruction of nobility Extension of Napoleonic Code/values of French Revolution Nationalism

The British Blockade The Continental System Defiance of allies British advantages War of 1812 Weakened French economy

1808 Invasion of Spain Joseph Bonaparte Catholic rebels Guerilla warfare Peninsular War 1807-1813 Drain on French manpower and resources

Invasion of Russia “Mother Russia” 1812 winter Battle of Borodino Russian scorched earth policy Ignoble retreat Grand Army of half a million reduced to 10,000

Napoleon’s Downfall The Fourth Coalition A new marriage An inexperienced army 1813 Defeat at Leipzig 1814 Conquest of France Exile on Elba

The Return of Napoleon Louis XVIII The Hundred Days An Emperor restored Waterloo Duke of Wellington St. Helena

Napoleon’s Legacy Changed the face of Europe Legal Codes Destruction of aristocratic power Dual nature of Nationalism