Selecting Research Problem Dr. Anshul Singh Thapa
Introduction When selecting a research problem/ topic there are a number of consideration that has to be kept in mind. These helps to ensure that our study will be manageable and that we will remain motivated throughout the process of doing research. These considerations are Interest Magnitudes Measurement of concept Level of expertise Relevance Availability of Data Ethical Issues
Interest Interest should be the most important consideration in selecting a research problem. A research Endeavour is usually time consuming, and involves hard work and possibly unforeseen problems. If we choose a problem which does not greatly interest us, it could became extremely difficult to sustain the required motivation , and hence its completion as well as the amount of time taken could be affected.
Magnitude We should have sufficient knowledge about the research process to be able to visualize the work involved in completing the proposed study. Narrow the topic down to something manageable, specific and clear. It is extremely important to select a topic that we can manage within the time and resource at our disposal.
Measurement of Concept When we are using a concept in our study make sure that we are clear about its indicators and their measurement. We should not use the concept in our study that we are not sure how to measure. That does not mean we cannot develop the measurement procedure as the study progress. While most o the development work will be done during our study, it is imperative that we are reasonably clear about the measurement of these concept at this stage.
Level of expertise Make sure we have an adequate level of expertise for the task we are proposing. Allow for the fact that we will learn during the study and may receive help from research supervisor and others, but remember that most of the work we have to do by our self.
Relevance Select a topic that is of relevance to us as well as to the society and profession. Ensure that our study adds to the existing body of knowledge, bridges current gaps or is useful in policy formulation. This will help us in sustain interest in the study.
Availability of Data If our topic entails collection of data/ information from secondary sources (office record, census or other already-published reports, etc.) before finalizing our topic, we must make it sure that these data are available and in the format we want it.
Ethical Issues Another important consideration in formulating a research problem is the ethical issues involved. In the course of conducting a research study, the study population may be adversely affected by some of the questions (directly or indirectly); deprived of an intervention; expected to share sensitive and private information etc.