Well Design PE 413.


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Presentation transcript:

Well Design PE 413

Laminar - Pipe Flow – Newtonian Fluids

Laminar - Pipe Flow – Newtonian Fluids

Laminar - Pipe Flow – Newtonian Fluids

Laminar - Pipe Flow – Power Law Fluids

Laminar - Pipe Flow – Power Law Fluids

Laminar - Pipe Flow – Bingham Fluids

Laminar - Pipe Flow – Bingham Fluids

Laminar - Pipe Flow – Bingham Fluids

Laminar – Annular Flow – Newtonian Fluids

Laminar – Annular Flow – Newtonian Fluids

Laminar – Annular Flow – Newtonian Fluids

Laminar – Annular Flow – Newtonian Fluids

Laminar – Annular Flow – Newtonian Fluids

Laminar – Annular Flow – Newtonian Fluids

Laminar – Annular Flow – PL Fluids

Laminar – Annular Flow – BP Fluids

Friction Factor – General Fluids and Flow

Friction Factor – General Fluids and Flow Used for laminar and turbulent flow

Friction Factor – Newtonian Fluids – Laminar Flow Used for laminar ONLY

Friction Factor – Newtonian Fluids – Laminar Flow

Reynolds Number – PL Fluids

Critical Number for BP Fluids

Critical Number – BP Fluids

Turbulent Flow – Newtonian Fluids

Turbulent Flow – PL Fluids

Turbulent Flow – PL Fluids

Turbulent Flow – BP Fluids

Annular Flow

Annular Flow

Annular Flow

Hydraulic of Cement Slurry

Hydraulic of Cement Slurry

Hydraulic of Cement Slurry

Hydraulic of Cement Slurry Fanning friction factor for Newtonian fluids under turbulent flow conditions

Hydraulic of Cement Slurry Fanning friction factor for power law fluids under turbulent flow conditions

Hydraulic of Cement Slurry Fanning friction factor for power law fluids under turbulent flow conditions

Hydraulic of Cement Slurry

Example 1

Example 1

Example 1

Example 2

Example 2

Example 2

Example 2

Example 2

Example 2