Not every teacher will be participating in Exemption. Be sure to ask your teacher(s) if they are allowing students to be exempt if they qualify. #1 Is Your Teacher Participating?
Your second semester Average, prior to exam day, must be 85% or higher. Please log on to your PS Connect to view your averages. #2 Do You Have the Average?
Students may only have 3 Absences for the second semester. Unexcused absences are counted Excused absences are counted Suspensions are counted #3 Do You Have Good Attendance?
If you have a doctor/dentist appointment but attend school on that same day, submit your Return To School note and this partial day absence will NOT be counted against you. Medical Absences
Seniors are allowed to have three College-Visit days prior to May 1, If you have a College Visit, which was approved by Mr. Moss, and you return with a College letter on the University/College letterhead to turn into the Attendance Office, this will NOT be counted against you. University and College Visits
If you have an appointment at a government office and return with a receipt or letter with the date and your name from that office on the same school day, this will NOT be counted against you. Official Business
Exemption from the final exam does NOT mean you are exempt from attending school. Your attendance will be calculated, if you have three absences and do not report to school one of the final exam days, you will no longer be considered exempt from your remaining exams. The Exemption List is updated daily. * Please Note
If you have PERFECT ATTENDANCE and you have been exempt from both classes on a particular test day, you may be excused from classes for that day. ONLY students with Perfect Attendance may miss school provided that your parent sends written permission BEFORE exam day AND you will not miss more than three days. The days missed will be calculated and you will then lose your Perfect Attendance status. Perfect Attendance
Q: I am an Office Worker / Teacher Assistant, do I have to come to school on exam day? A: Yes, Office Worker and Teacher Assistant are considered classes and your attendance is taken. Therefore you must report to school. Ask the individual you are working for where they want you to report. Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I am 18 years old, can I check myself out after I finish taking my tests? A: No, you must bring a letter from a parent giving you permission to leave school. Only TEA acceptable excuses will be acceptable for an Excused absence. We will not interrupt classes to call students out of the class room. All letters must be turned in BEFORE the start of classes that day. Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I am Off Campus periods 5 & 6, do I have to come to school on that Exam day? A: No, you do not have any classes that day on your schedule, therefore you do not have school. Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I am Off Campus period 7, do I have to come to school for the Advocacy portion of the day? A: Yes, you must attend Advocacy. Frequently Asked Questions
If you have questions from students that were NOT answered in this presentation please them to Ms. Adams. Teachers
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