Nutritional Supplements By: Amy Bergstrom
Do you or have you ever used nutritional supplements? What thoughts come to mind when you hear “Nutritional Supplements?” What supplements have you used? Did they do what they claimed? Any side effects noted? Would you consider using nutritional supplements? At the beginning of the presentation, I want to get a general idea about the audience I am going to be presenting this information with. What sort of background they have with supplements, and what positive and negative effects they have seen first hand with supplements.
Overview on supplements Nutritional supplements are often times referred to as “dietary supplements.” “A dietary supplement is a product intended for ingestion that contains a “dietary ingredient” intended to add further nutritional value to (supplement) the diet. ( Often time the ingredient will include one or more of the following substances: minerals, vitamins, herb, a concentrate (metabolite, constituent, or extract), an amino acid. Supplements are found in forms such as capsules, gelcaps, liquids, tablets, or powders. Supplements can help you get adequate dietary intake of essential nutrients and help reduce your risk of disease "What Is a Dietary Supplement?" What Is a Dietary Supplement? N.p., 29 Apr. 2015. Web. 19 May 2015.
The word “supplement” means a nutrient or group of nutrients that are meant to supplement. This does not mean it is meant to substitute a healthy diet you can eat on a regular basis. Do you view supplements as an “easy way out” in regards to healthy eating and living?
Should you be taking supplements? IF you are eating a reasonable variety of fruits, vegetables, proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats you probably do not need a general vitamin-mineral supplement. Often time they way you eat and what you eat will play a key role in how you feel physically and mentally. If you are physically tired from a poor diet, a supplement will not add extra energy. Only better nutrition can help you! Supplements can NEVER make up for poor eating habits. "Nutrition Supplements." Nutrition Supplements. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 May 2015.
That being said…. Because of food allergies, the inability to obtain needed nutrients, or medical conditions, some people do need specific supplements. Calcium, Iron, Vitamin C, and Folate are some examples of vitamins that are often times supplemented along with a healthy diet. It is always encouraged that you try your best to get these vitamins strictly from food. But if you find you are lacking in certain areas, then it is best to add a vitamin along with your healthy eating. IF you fall into any of the following groups, you may require supplements. Of course always talk to your Doctor before starting a supplement! Pregnant women Nursing mothers Strict vegetarians People with food allergies Senior Citizens
What about protein powders? People spend so much money on protein supplements hoping it will help build muscle fast! However this just isn’t the case. When you take a high level of protein it is actually converted to fats and carbohydrates in the body. Excess protein can cause too much burden on your kidneys, cause calcium loss and dehydration. By simply increasing protein in your diet slightly, you can meet your protein needs.
And then come the herbs…. You can’t turn on the television, or listen to the radio without hearing something about the latest herbal dietary supplements. All boasting about their huge health benefits and life altering herbs. But how do you know what is safe?? Because there are no federal regulations on herbal supplements, it is very difficult to know how safe any herbal supplement really is. There are also no testings done on the products sold in stores. This means that supplement companies can virtually make any claims they want on their products without scientific testing. The best thing you can do as a consumer is stay informed on the product you want to buy, by doing as much research as possible. One great book for reference is: The Health Professional’s Guide to Popular Dietary Supplements, by Allison Sarubin. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) also contains great information about dietary supplements. "Nutrition Supplements." Nutrition Supplements. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 May 2015.
The Bottom Line Keep yourself educated! If something sounds too good to be true, it usually is! There are benefits to many dietary supplements, but others claim results that are unproven. Pay attention to the words companies use when promoting their products. Statements with a “cure-all” such as “beneficial in treatment of cancer, infections, heart conditions, arthritis, insomnia, anxiety, weight gain, and more”, are signs of a false claim. Statements that suggest a product can cure diseases, or words like “scientific breakthrough”, “secret ingredient”, or “ancient remedy” are clear signs of a false claim. Personal testimonies claiming amazing results, and “money-back guarantees” are supplements that should be avoided.