3D Modeling Plane Designing WWW.KAASHIVINFOTECH.COM
Plane modeling Start of with a simple plane, no segments. Select edge. WWW.KAASHIVINFOTECH.COM
Plane modeling With the edge selected, hold shift and drag your mouse to extrude. WWW.KAASHIVINFOTECH.COM
Plane modeling You can select as many edges as you need. WWW.KAASHIVINFOTECH.COM
Plane modeling Quick slice, to slice a selected polygon in multiple polygons. WWW.KAASHIVINFOTECH.COM
Plane modeling Select multiple vertices and connect. WWW.KAASHIVINFOTECH.COM
Plane modeling Polygon inset and move. WWW.KAASHIVINFOTECH.COM
Plane modeling Delete selected polygon. WWW.KAASHIVINFOTECH.COM
Plane modeling Weld vertices to create another shape. WWW.KAASHIVINFOTECH.COM
Plane modeling Now it is up to you. Play with it, make some interesting shapes with a basic plane and the techniques shown in this ppt. This time, you don’t have to sketch in advance. Just play. WWW.KAASHIVINFOTECH.COM