RecipeManager© Basic Training Course Recipe Manager Training Course A 4/2007 Vydata Systems
Agenda Introduction Recipe Manager explanation and how it is best used Vydata Systems background and how to obtain support Entering lists Adding vendors, units, categories, locations, etc. Using inventory Main Screen : finding existing inventory or adding new items Inventory screen details Printing inventory reports Using recipes Main Screen : finding existing recipes or adding new ones Recipe screen details and how to scale a recipe Printing recipe reports Using menus (production sheets) Interfacing to Accounting Custom searches Summary : a Case Study
Product Web Site : Introduction What is Recipe Manager? Recipe Manager is a powerful application for food data management. Built with the end user in mind, it’s simple even for the computer novice. Recipe Manager will bring form and function to the recipes that food service companies have built their good name on. It is a tool that can be used for any size organization from the single establishment to large chain. It can be integrated into a number of leading corporate business systems for real-time data management. Product Web Site :
Introduction How is Recipe Manager Best Used? Multi-location Data Sharing Custom Menu Writing Custom Reporting Picture/Document Attaching Recipe Scaling Automatic Unit Conversions Inventory Tracking (Recipe/Ingredient) Cost Control Nutritional Analysis Interfacing to Other Systems
Corporate Web Site : Introduction About the Developer, Vydata Systems… Vydata Systems, a Louisiana-based software company formed in 1996, has produced a number of business products designed on the Microsoft Windows operating system platform. The company has a national customer base which include clothing companies, jewelry stores, independent distributors, specialty and antique shops, restaurants, various service companies, etc. Vydata Systems added the Recipe Manager product into their offering in late 2002. The first customer was Piccadilly Cafeterias, which included 130+ restaurants in several southern states. Corporate Web Site :
Entering Lists “Lists” are defined as catalogs of records needed for basic system operation. They should be entered first. Lists Include… Vendors Units Categories Locations Nutrition Elements NOTE: Open all lists under the File-Open menu.
Entering Lists : Vendors Double-click a vendor or click EDIT to edit a vendor record. Click ADD to enter a new one. Delete a selected vendor by clicking REMOVE. NOTE: After opening a vendor, you can click ORDER HISTORY to see all orders placed to that vendor to date
Entering Lists : Units Double-click a unit or click EDIT to edit a unit of measure record. Click ADD to enter a new one. Delete a selected vendor by clicking REMOVE. NOTE: The UNIVERSAL CONVERSIONS button will edit the non-custom conversions built into the system. Don’t go into this area unless you know what you are doing! NOTE: The ROUNDING DIGITS define how accurate your unit conversions are.
Entering Lists : Categories Double-click a record to edit a category record. Click ADD to enter a new one. Delete a selected category by clicking REMOVE. NOTE: Assign a picture by clicking any image below after opening a record. NOTE: Assign the category to a “location” by selecting a location after opening the record.
Entering Lists : Locations Double-click a record or click EDIT to edit a location. Click ADD to enter a new one. Delete a selected location by clicking REMOVE. NOTE: Click SETUP SUB-CATEGORIES to assign categories to specific locations. NOTE: Locations on either the recipe or inventory side has no specific purpose in Recipe Manager other than categorization of data. It is a good tool for organizing / reporting the data you need by specific system or physical area..
Entering Lists : Nutrition Elements Part A : Adding/Editing/Removing… Double-click a record or click EDIT to edit a nutrition element. Click ADD to enter a new one. Delete a selected elements by clicking REMOVE. NOTE: Define where this element is on the “Nutrition Facts” label (see next page) in the “Display on Label” section after opening an element.
Entering Lists : Nutrition Elements Part B : Defining the Nutrition Label… Select whether an item is “Displayed on Label” Select WHERE on the label it is displayed (click View Label Map for a position map of fields on label) Select which label section (click “Lower Label” (vitamin) section if element goes there) Enter the label display name at the bottom (if different from the element name) From the main screen you can click PREVIEW to see how it will look from a recipe
Using Inventory and Recipes Recipe Manager Main Screen… Quick Launch Pad… Recipes Inventory Menus Reports Tutorial Exit Custom Reports List NOTE: The Tutorial (interactive demo) will not be discussed. NOTE: We need to focus on INVENTORY after entering lists (prior to creating any recipes or menus)
Using Inventory Inventory toolbar and quick-search Click INVENTORY from the Main Screen… Inventory toolbar and quick-search Perform counts, new, open/edit, copy/paste, delete or quick search items Custom column display Can define columns under System Properties Warning indicators Shows items with high cost, low stock, etc. Inventory item list Double-click to OPEN an item Inventory search tree Click a tree option to bring up that list
Inventory : General Top Area… Lower Area… Toolbar / Auto-Save Warning Indicator Saleable/Stocked/Sub-Recipe Item ID Inventory Item (Name) Account Category Waste % / Unit Cost Categories/Locations/Units Lower Area… Inventory Costing Preferred Vendor FLAG when Purchase is… Used in these Recipes NOTE: Access this screen by double-clicking a record from main screen or by clicking the NEW button.
Inventory : Conversions Unit Conversions Area… Up/Down Arrow (Changes the Order) ADD NEW / REMOVE Buttons ADD EXISTING Button (to pull from other inventory) Convert Volume Units when Scaling option NOTE: This is the MOST important tab for the system’s ability to accurately calculate cost and nutrition data NOTE: When adding a NEW conversion, you can reference other inventory items in the database… NOTE: Access this tab by clicking the Conversions tab.
Inventory : Purchases Purchases Area… Up/Down Arrow (Changes the Order) Add NEW / REMOVE Buttons Create PO / ALL Orders Placed Decimal Spaces setting (for greater accuracy) NOTE: The CREATE PO button is for adding a new order. The ALL ORDERS PLACED button shows a list of previous orders placed for this item (history). Go to this screen to place new orders or see pending orders and “receive” them or mark them “back-ordered”. When received, they move to “purchases” and become AP (accounts payable) records. NOTE: Access this tab by clicking the Purchases tab.
Inventory : Quantity Quantity Area… Inventory Based on Used or Sold data Starting Calculation Date / Status area Add NEW / REMOVE Count (Inventory “Extensions”) Target (PAR) Level area Summary area : shows all factors determining quantity NOTE: The Total PREPPED (USED) or SOLD is always deducted from inventory in determining stock levels. Click the “…” button to show these records. The Menu Writer utility adds records to USED when production runs are done (or a menu is “prepared”). NOTE: Access this tab by clicking the Quantity tab.
Inventory : Nutrition Nutrition Area… Nutrient ID and USDA Web Nutrient List (elements) Information Based on (quantity and units) Sharing Nutrition data % Daily Values NOTE: The items in RED are on the recipe nutrition label. NOTE: The Units the “information in table is based on” defines how this specific item is measured for the nutrition values. For example, 1g of this inventory item contains exactly the values included in the elements table. You can get this information either from the vendor you purchase it from or from the USDA Website by clicking the USDA Web button. NOTE: Entering % Daily Values here speeds up the recipe nutrition label calculation. It does will not scale these numbers. It will simply plug in these vitamin % values as-is into the label. NOTE: Access this tab by clicking the Nutrition tab.
Inventory : Picture / Attachments Picture / Attachments Area… Change / Clear / Edit Pictures ADD / REMOVE Attachments for item NOTE: Pictures can be used to provide a nice visual of the product / item. NOTE: Attachments are great for storing important files within an inventory record, such as videos, Excel spreadsheets of data, documents, or even additional pictures. NOTE: Access this tab by clicking the Picture or Attachments tab
Inventory : Custom Custom Fields Area… List of all Custom Fields designated in ‘Setup Database Fields’ off of the main ‘File’ menu NOTE: Actual screen may vary. The above example only has 2 custom fields, but you can have up to 10. They can be any field type you want and can be selected for display on the main screen for sorting/searching. NOTE: Access this tab by clicking the Custom tab.
Inventory : Printing Reports Standard Reports… Item Detail Item Detail with Picture Item Quantity Detail Item Nutrition Detail NOTE: Any custom reports designed internally will show up under CUSTOM TEMPLATES NOTE: Access the inventory item reports by clicking the PRINT button after opening a record
Using Recipes Recipe toolbar and quick-search Custom column display Click RECIPES from the Main Screen… Recipe toolbar and quick-search Enter new recipes, open/edit, copy/paste, delete or quick search recipes Custom column display Can define columns under System Properties Recipe list Double-click to OPEN a recipe Recipe search tree Click a tree option to bring up that list
Recipe Screen Screen Areas… Toolbar Active/Saleable/Sub-Recipe/Notes Recipe ID/Name Symbol Yields/Portion/Num of Portions Prep/Cook/Finish/Shelf Time Lists:Categories/Locations/Plates/Tools/Stores Ingredient List Instructions Box NOTE: Access this screen by double-clicking a record from main screen or by clicking the NEW button.
Recipe : Adding Ingredients Recipe Area… Show Fractional Quantities Column Up/Down Arrows (adjust list order) Add/Delete Ingredient Buttons Ingredient List/Columns Instructions Box NOTE: You can copy/paste text from a document into the instructions box. NOTE: Adding new ingredients will pull up a list of only STOCKED inventory or other recipes. NOTE: Access this area by clicking the Recipe tab.
Recipe : Costs Costs Area… Calculate Costs using… RECALC. COSTS Button Single Portion Cost Detail Entire Recipe Cost Detail Cost Breakdown by Ingredient List NOTE: Any calculation problems from your ingredients/inventory will be shown in the list on the far right. Make sure there are no calculation problems for any of your ingredients otherwise costs and margin numbers will not be properly calculated. If you do have a problem, you can double-click an item to open it and enter the Conversions tab to fix it. Problems happen because you are generally missing a needed unit conversion. NOTE: Access this area by clicking the Costs tab.
Recipe : Nutrition Nutrition Area… Build Nutrition Label Button Manually Enter Data Button Print Buttons “Nutrition Facts” Label Label Detail Area (show items used or not used in label) NOTE: If (for whatever reason), you can not get a properly calculated label from your ingredients, you can click MANUALLY ENTER DATA to hand-type in the values yourself. NOTE: If there are any calculation problems, you will see items listed in the “Show missing nutrition info (not used in label)”. If there are items listed here, you can double-click to open and fix them. As in the same as Costs, problems can be fixed within the Conversions section of an inventory item. NOTE: Access this area by clicking the Nutrition tab.
Recipe : Picture / Attachments Picture / Attachments Area… Change / Clear / Edit Pictures ADD / REMOVE Attachments for item NOTE: Pictures can be used to provide a nice visual of the product / recipe. NOTE: Attachments are great for storing important files within a recipe record, such as videos, Excel spreadsheets of data, documents, or even additional pictures. NOTE: Access this area by clicking the Picture or Attachments tab.
Recipe : Custom Custom Fields Area… List of all Custom Fields designated in ‘Setup Database Fields’ off of the main ‘File’ menu NOTE: Actual screen may vary. The above example only has 4 custom fields, but you can have up to 10. They can be any field type you want and can be selected for display on the main screen for sorting/searching. NOTE: Access this tab by clicking the Custom tab.
Recipe : Scaling SCALE RECIPE Box… Enter QTY to Scale Click APPLY Click EXIT NOTE: You can always return back to the original yield and portion size by clicking APPLY under the Original Yield section. NOTE: Scaling will adjust the quantities in the ingredient lists and recalculate nutrition and cost values for you. NOTE: To correctly scale an entire recipe up or down by number of portions (amount of servings) use the SCALE function. NOTE: Scale a recipe by opening the recipe first, then clicking the SCALE button.
Recipe : Printing Reports Standard Reports… Recipe Detail Recipe Detail with Picture Recipe Cost Detail Recipe Nutrition Facts NOTE: Any custom reports designed internally will show up under CUSTOM TEMPLATES NOTE: Access the recipe reports by clicking the PRINT button after opening a record
Using Menus : Production Sheets Menu Writer… Tree View (Menu List) Main Toolbar (New, Copy, Delete, Print, Setup) Menu Area Toolbar (Waste, Notes, Schedule, Save, Prep) Menu Area Data (Actual Menu) NOTE: Access the menus by clicking the MENU button from the main screen
Using Menus : Menu Design Menu Design Area… List of all Fields available for this menu Click Menu : Enable/Disable Fields, Enable/Disable Field Labels, Changing Field Widths, Selecting Field Contents, etc. Copy (this menu) Button Delete (this menu) Button Save (this menu) Button Exit Button NOTE: Access the menu design/setup area by clicking the SETUP button from the Menu Writer main screen.
Using Menus : Entering Waste Waste Area… Date Field (the date this waste was recorded) Recipe List (entire menu) with waste and cost values NOTES Section OK Button (to save) CANCEL Button NOTE: Entering waste for a production run is important. The kitchen (production area) should record waste since it factors into stock level calculations. NOTE: Access the menu waste area by clicking the WASTE button from the Menu Writer menu toolbar.
Using Menus : Entering Notes Notes Area… Important Notes Box OK Button (to save) DELETE Button (to delete) NOTE: Use the “important notes” feature to record information to be read by your preparers (chefs). These are notes specific to the entire menu. If anything is in the notes field, the Notes button will flash and force the user to read the notes BEFORE they can prepare the menu. NOTE: Access the notes area by clicking the NOTES button from the Menu Writer menu toolbar.
Using Menus : Scheduling Schedule your Events or Production Runs in Microsoft Outlook! NOTE: Schedule your menu in Outlook with the Schedule button from the Menu Writer menu toolbar.
Using Menus : Preparing A. Adjusting production batches… Prep Area… Adjust ALL Prep Values by FORECAST Adjust ALL Prep Values by Specific VALUE NOTE: Can force an adjustment of prep values for all items in a menu by multiplying all of them by a number or by entering a specific value for all items. NOTE: Based on your calculation (under the “Settings” menu), the system will FORECAST all amounts to prep. NOTE: Prepare your menu with the PREP button from the Menu Writer menu toolbar.
Using Menus : Preparing B. Preparing ALL Menu Items (Begin Production)… NOTE: Once you have all prep values set (batches to produce), you fire off a production run by selecting “Prepare ALL Menu Items”. This will adjust inventory for all items in the menu. NOTE: You must give the production run a NAME (required) and enter any notes or a recipe location (optional), then click OK to process the inventory. NOTE: After the production run is complete, all inventory will be adjusted to reflect the inventory used. NOTE: Prepare your menu with the PREP button from the Menu Writer menu toolbar.
Using Menus : Printing Standard Menu Reports… Chef Menu Chef Menu with Pictures Customer Menu (like a restaurant menu) Customer Menu with Pictures Menu Cost Detail Menu Nutrition Facts Grocery List (list of everything needed to prepare this menu as-is) Excel Invoice / Quotation NOTE: Can print any of your recipe reports on the entire menu under Print-Recipe Reports menu option. NOTE: Print reports on your menu with the PRINT button from the Menu Writer menu toolbar.
Interface to Accounting AP Data Export Screen… Accounting Template (the interface to use) Output Location (where to export the data) Output Filename Orders Date Range (date range of AP data to pull) Button to grab data, and save interface changes Export Header and Cell Delimiter Export Button (begin transfer) Exit Button NOTE: When complete, go into your Accounting software and IMPORT the data. NOTE: Send records to accounting with the Export Data – AP Data for Accounting menu option on the main menu.
Custom Searches Custom Search Area… Search Type (Find, Filter, etc.) Field Name (Column) Operand (>, =, <, Like, etc.) Field Search Value (value to look for) Query Button Exit Button NOTE: The bottom option of both recipe and inventory trees is the Custom Search. Just click on it. NOTE: Can use the FIND search type to skip through the list of data to find all records with the search value included. Use SEARCH to pull up a list with ONLY these values from the database. Use FILTER to filter the existing list with the search value. NOTE: Access the Custom Search by clicking the last option of the tree of the Inventory/Recipe lists screens
In Summary : a Case Study Piccadilly Restaurants, with corporate offices located in Louisiana, has 130 restaurants located throughout several southern states. Piccadilly upgraded from a competitor system in early 2002 to Recipe Manager and never looked back. They complained of several limitations with the old system and was looking for alternatives. After several meetings with key Vydata Systems consultants to map out their needs, Piccadilly decided to adopt Recipe Manager as their corporate standard. "Recipe Manager is a fantastic product. It has helped our business track detailed cost and nutrition information better than our previously used program. In addition it has greatly enhanced our ability to quickly distribute detailed recipe information to all of our restaurants!" Patrick Prudhomme Vice President - Purchasing Piccadilly Restaurants LLC
Case Study Continued… The system has helped Piccadilly… Provide a Nutrition Facts label on any food product on demand for restaurant customers. Comply with FDA / USDA nutritional standards. Provide a nutritional analysis page on their corporate web site for all popular food items. Track costs and profit margins for all recipes by single portion or yield. Quickly scale recipes up or down prior to food preparation. Track a number of custom fields such as allergens that their old system would not allow. Provide an automated way of recipe data distribution among all restaurants. Centrally control recipe data from the corporate office. Build custom reports with corporate standard layouts. Build custom menus for specific days and specific shifts. Track ingredient waste. Interface with other business systems. Automate unit conversions.
Questions? Contact us! 866-272-6767 (Toll Free) 225-272-6767 (Office) 225-275-1603 (Fax) Corporate Web Site : Product Web Site :