A seminar course for OTAK students ‘ELT for a Global World’ INTRODUCTION INTO ELT A seminar course for OTAK students Session 6 Halápi Magdolna, Major Éva, Christopher Ryan Department of English Language Pedagogy FSA 2015 Supported by the Higher Education Restructuring Fund allocated to ELTE by the Hungarian Government 2016 Halápi, Major, Ryan
Criteria to examine methods and approaches We are going to watch demonstrations, compare and analyse them. Task: Brainstorm at least 5 possible criteria in groups. e.g.: Student-centred vs. Teacher-centred What is the role of the native language? 2 2016 Halápi, Major, Ryan
Criteria to examine methods and approaches 1. Goals 2. Role of the teacher/student? 3. Teaching/Learning Process? 4. Nature of student/teacher interaction? 5. How are students’ feelings dealt with? 3 2016 Halápi, Major, Ryan
Criteria to examine methods and approaches 6. View of language/ culture? 7. What language skills are emphasized? 8. Role of the native language? 9. How does evaluation occur? 10. Treatment of errors? 11. Associated with whom? 4 2016 Halápi, Major, Ryan
Grammar Translation Method Watch the following video of a Greek lesson at an American university. http://hlr.byu.edu/methods/content/grammar.html What is the goal of this lesson part of the lesson? What skills are developed? Have you ever experienced a similar kind of lesson or part of a lesson? Notes on the Video The lesson in the video shows a first-year class in Attic Greek (a dialect of ancient Greece) taught by Dr. Bill Tortorelli of Brigham Young University. As the lesson consists partly of a review of verb forms, it does not depict all the phases of a "typical" grammar-translation lesson; nevertheless, it illustrates how some of the method's techniques may be effectively used when the goal is to develop grammatical understanding and translation skills. The lesson begins with a review of tense and aspect, followed by a discussion of verb conjugation and practice translating sentences that exemplify the verb forms being studied. 5 2016 Halápi, Major, Ryan
Evaluation of the Grammar Translation Method 1 1. Goals 2. Role of the teacher/student 3. Teaching/ Learning Process? 4. Nature of student/teacher interaction 5. How are students’ feelings dealt with? Grammar- Translation 1. Goals Read literature in L2. Develop mind. Learn grammar, vocabulary, and culture. 2. Role of the teacher/student Traditional. T is the authority. Ss learn from the T. 3. Teaching/ Learning Process? Translation. Deductive study of grammar. Memorize vocabulary. 4. Nature of student/teacher interaction T to S. 5. How are students’ feelings dealt with? N.A. 6. View of language/ culture? Literary language over spoken language. 7. What language skills are emphasized? Vocabulary/ grammar. Reading/writing. 8. Role of the native language? L1 in classroom. Two-way translation. 9. How does evaluation occur? Written translations. Apply grammar rules. 10. Treatment of errors? T supplies correct answer. 6 2016 Halápi, Major, Ryan
Evaluation of the Grammar translation method 2 6. View of language/ culture? 7. What language skills are emphasized? 8. Role of the native language? 9. How does evaluation occur? 10. Treatment of errors? Solutions on Worksheet (Slide 11/12) 7 2016 Halápi, Major, Ryan
References Larsen-Freeman, D. (1990) Language Teaching Methods, Teacher’s Handbook for the Video Series by Office of English Language Programs Materials Branch United States Department of State Washington, D.C. 20547 (http://americanenglish.state.gov/resources/language-teaching-meth Larsen-Freeman, D. (2000). Techniques and principles in language teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Language Teaching Methods: An Overview, TJ Tylor BLOG (http://blog.tjtaylor.net/teaching-methods/ ) Solutions on Worksheet (Slide 11/12) 8 2016 Halápi, Major, Ryan