Phencyclidine C P Rocket Fuel Angel Dust O-Zone -Kevin Lake
What is Pcp? First made in 1920’s Came onto the market in 1950’s Taken off market in 1965 White Crystal powder in pure form Bitter chemical taste
Facts about Pcp First used as an anesthetic in 1950’s Schedule II Drug according to US Government Can only be purchased illegally Can be snorted, inhaled, injected, consumed orally Moderate addiction levels
Physiological Effects numbness in arms and limbs Slurred Speech Loss of balance Convulsions are possible Pulse, breathing rate increase Rapid eye movement
Psychological EFFECTS Sense of invincibility Suicidal behavior Auditory and visual hallucinations Increased paranoia Mania, schizophrenia-like behavior
DEATH Possible Side Effects Learning disabilities Depression Memory loss Speech problems Anxiety
Bibliography PCP Effects | Short Term, Long Term & Side Effects PCP Drug: Effects, Hazards & Extent of Use – Signs and Symptoms of PCP Abuse – Narconon PCP Fast Facts - US Department of Justice Drugs and Human Performance FACT SHEETS - Phencyclidine (PCP) PCP (Phencyclidine) Addiction - Drug Addiction Treatment