Northeast and Northwest Native Americans By Ryleigh Anne Halsted
Names of tribes Here are some tribes such as… Iroquois Cayuga Micmac Miami And Sac and fox but mostly I will be focusing on the Iroquois. And here are the other tribes for Northwest.. Squamish Tulalip Yakama Hoh Upper Makah
Geography/geology Here are some things that they had in their area. The rocks to help them cook. Lakes and streams provided water. They used the mountains for collecting rocks. And some more….. They used the Mountains for collecting rocks. Lakes and rivers to drink out of. Forests and trees to take the wood and use it for canoes.
Climate Very hot and the spring and summer. Very cold in the fall and winter Hot and cold all season Cool temp. Warm temp. 60 Fahrenheit Average temperature In the winter, its is below freezing. The average temperature is 60 degrees.
Resources Here are the things that they used such as… Blackberries and strawberries for survival. And Squirrels for making coats out of. Deer and elk for food. Here is the Northwest animals such as… Beavers for coats. Skunks for fur clothing They used the cedar trees for making canoes. Red and regular huckleberries
Shelter Here are some houses that I found, Wigwams ( which is a little hut that’s made out of wood. ) Long houses ( That’s made out of more wood.) Here are some more houses that I found, They lived in the cedar plank houses. They lived longhouses and temporary huts. The chief would get the back part of the long house.
Food The native people collected fruit and berries. They grew corn. They hunted rabbit, wild turkey, deer and grouse. They collected clams and oysters. They collected berries roots, Wapato's ( wild potatoes.) An assortment of fish. They hunted for meat. They collected roots, potatoes, and skunk cabbages.
Transportation They rode in cedar canoes. They rode horses for transportation. They used sleds in winter time. They used snow shoes in winter time . They walked to places they needed to go. They walked to places. They rode or paddled in canoes.
Other interesting facts… On the first thanksgiving they carved pumpkins. The woodland people dressed in animal skin. On the first thanksgiving they did not eat turkey. Leaves were rolled up into drinking cups. They wore dome shaped hats so the rain can go down on either side. They used wood to carve utensils and hunting tools. Animals fur is worn for extra warmth.
The end This may be the end, but is not the end of your journey.