183 countries under study (percentages are calculated on this basis) Child social protection coverage Statutory social security benefits for children (cash benefits) 108 countries | 59 % No statutory social security provision for child/ family benefits 75 countries | 41 % Universal / categorical All children Non contributory non-means tested with for 10 countries with either social insurance or social assistance 27 countries | 14,8% Incl. social assistance (9) and social insurance (1) Employment related and poor children 17 countries | 9,3% Non-contributory means-tested Social insurance (employment related) AND Poor children only (or sub-groups) Child social security statutory provision General social assistance programmes (not specific) Social assistance (targeting children) but without legal basis yet (including pilot programmes) Non-contributory means-tested (social assistance) 32 countries | 17,5 % OR Children with parents in formal employment (Employment related only) Employment related only (children of formal employees mainly) 32 countries | 17,5 %