7% Information available for 178 countries (100%) CONTRIBUTORY Old-age pension schemes anchored in national legislation providing periodic cash benefits 166 countries | 93% Information available for 178 countries (100%) Contributory scheme only 77 countries 43% No old-age pension scheme anchored in national legislation providing periodic cash benefits 12 countries 7% (of which 11 countries with provident funds providing lump-sum benefits to employees and sometimes also self-employed) Contributory scheme and non-contributory universal scheme 27 countries 15% non-contributory means-tested scheme 50 countries 28% Non-contributory universal scheme only 9 countries 5% Non-contributory means-tested scheme only 3 countries 2% NON-CONTRIBUTORY CONTRIBUTORY Figure 4.3 Overview of old-age pension schemes anchored in national legislation, by type of scheme, 2012/13 Link: http://www.social-protection.org/gimi/gess/RessourceDownload.action?ressource.ressourceId=37157