CFOA Road Safety Group Partnership Workstream PREVENTING PROTECTING RESPONDING
CFOA Road Safety Group Partnerships - Aim Inter-agency working and partnerships – Establish and develop relationships with existing and new partnerships at local, regional, national and international level, to ensure the Fire and Rescue Service is best placed to deliver against our own and our partners visions, missions and aims. PREVENTING PROTECTING RESPONDING
CFOA Road Safety Group Outline Plan for Partnerships Partnership guidance Identify key partners Evaluate potential partners Agree first tranche of potential partners Agree contact, consultation and partnership process Joined up working - Communications PREVENTING PROTECTING RESPONDING
CFOA Road Safety Group Identifying Key Partners Looked for a wide range of road safety organisations Internet search Identified their aims and objectives Looked for common themes with CFOA strategy PREVENTING PROTECTING RESPONDING
CFOA Road Safety Group Evaluate Potential Partners Initial sift – reduced to 100 or so organisations Meeting in Tamworth – reduced to key organisations Recommendations to RS Board Broad agreement on which workstream is most aligned PREVENTING PROTECTING RESPONDING
CFOA Road Safety Group Partnerships to Progress ACPO – Road Policing – enforcement, emergency response and education LARSOA – Crucial we work alongside – mainly education and prevention work Highways Agency – education and alignment with National THINK campaign PACTS – lobbying for changes to legislation and Government interventions PREVENTING PROTECTING RESPONDING
CFOA Road Safety Group Partnerships to Progress Dept for Transport – profile of service RoSPA – a high profile organisation Roadsafe – education, engineering enforcement SMMT – firefighter protection and better extrication DCLG, national framework, DoH, Road Safety Scotland Welsh Assembly Government Dept of Environment NI PREVENTING PROTECTING RESPONDING
CFOA Road Safety Group Next Steps Establish and embed relationships Develop National MoUs where appropriate Demonstrate added value Look to combine with marketing & Communications Workstream to avoid duplication or omission PREVENTING PROTECTING RESPONDING
CFOA Road Safety Group Questions? Any Questions? PREVENTING PROTECTING RESPONDING