2011 Biology Calendar
October 2011 3 4 5 6 7 10 NO SCHOOL! 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 LRW 2-1, 2-2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 3 4 5 6 7 10 NO SCHOOL! 11 Review for Test 12 *TEST—Ecology *Intro Classification 13 14 *Notes: Taxonomy *Stuffed Animals *HW—Shark Key 17 *Notes: Kingdoms *Kingdom Chart 18 *Quiz: Classification *Notes: Evolution Darwin *Timeline Cartoon 19 LRW 2-1, 2-2 *Notes: Evidence of Evolution *Lizard Drawing *HW—Evidence of Ev 20 LRW 2-1, 2-2 21 Cookie Lab Cricket Cartoon 24 *Notes: Camouflage *Acetate Lab 25 *Notes: Patterns of Evolution *Darwins Finches WS 26 LRW 2-1, 2-2, 2-3 *Notes: Genetic Drift *Bead Lab 27LRW 2-1, 2-2, 2-3 28 TEST: Classification and Evolution 31
November 2011 Holidays 31 Bacteria Video 1 LRW 2-1, 2-2, 2-3 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 31 Bacteria Video 1 LRW 2-1, 2-2, 2-3 *Notes: Bacteria WS--Unknowns 2*Bacteria Lab *Menace in the Locker Room Article 3*Bacteria Lab 4 *Lab Results *Lab Quiz 7 *Notes: Cell Membrane/Transport *Egg Lab—in corn syrup 8 *Egg Lab—place in H2O *Iodine Baggie Lab 9 *Egg Lab Results *Iodine Results Whiteboard/Review 10 *Egg Lab Results 11TEST: Bacteria and Cell Transport 14 *DNA Extraction Lab *History of DNA *Prelab—color wheel 15 *Color Wheel Lab *Prelab—DNA Fingerprint 16 *DNA Fingerprint Lab *Restriction Enzymes 17 *DNA Fingerprint Lab *Restriction Enzymes 18 *LRW Quiz 3-1 * DNAFingerprint Analysis—TURN IN 21 22 23 24 25 28 *Review DNA Lab Notes: DNA replication/ fission/transformation *Begin DNA Replication Lab 29 *Complete DNA Replication Lab 30 *Quiz DNA Structure/Replication *Notes: Protist/ Microscopes HW—Microscope WS Holidays
December 2011 Holidays 1 *Quiz DNA Structure/Replication Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 *Quiz DNA Structure/Replication *Notes: Protist/ Microscopes HW—Microscope WS 2 *Microscope Lab 5 *Protist Lab 6 *Complete Protist Lab *Quiz: Protist/ Microscope 7 *Yeast Balloon Demo *Notes: Cell Resp/ Photosynthesis *Prelab--Fermentation 8 *Yeast Balloon Demo 9 *Fermentation Lab 12 *Ferment. Lab DUE *Active Transport Review *Review for test 13 *TEST: Protists/ Cellular Respiration 14 *Review for Exams 15 *6th EXAM *2/4 Review for exams 16 *1/7 EXAM 2/4/5 Review 19 *2/3 EXAM 3/4/5 Review 20 *4/5 EXAM ½ day—release 11:30 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 Holidays
2012 Biology Calendar
January 2012 3 4 *Video: Can we live forever Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2 3 4 *Video: Can we live forever *Cancer Article *Preassessment 5 *Video: Can we live forever 6 *Lab: Why Cells Divide *Onion Root WebQuest (due Tuesday) 9 *Notes: Cell Cycle *Mitosis Foldable *Cell Cycle Review 10 *Quiz: Cell Division *Notes: Mitosis *Complete Foldable 11 *Notes: Meiosis *Lab: Meiosis Babies *WS: Meiosis Moments 12 *Notes: Meiosis 13 *Test: Cell Cycle and Cell Division *WS: Hereditary Terms 16 HOLIDAY! 17 *Penny Toss Lab *WS: When in Doubt Punnett 18*Notes: Intro Mendel *WS: Dogspot *Build a Bug 19*Notes: Intro Mendel 20 *Quiz: Genetics *Notes: Dihybrids *WS: 2-factor crosses *Prelab—Amaizing Maize 23 *Lab: Amaizing Maize 24 *Complete Lab (Chi2 Analysis) *Notes: Non-mendelian genetics *WS: Difficult Punnetts 25 *Review Difficult Punntts WS *WS: Pedigrees * Human Karyotypes 26 *Review Difficult Punntts WS 27 *TEST: GENETICS 30 31 1