E-government and democracy in Russian Federation Made by: 2016
E-government Until 2002 Russia did not have unified e-government development policy. On 2002 the Russian government approved “Electronic Russia” (E-Russia). An important result of the distribution of the information and communication technologies (ICTs) and penetration of them into all spheres of social life
Federal target program “Electronic Russia” 2002 Objectives: the creation of conditions for the development of democracy improving the functioning of the economy public administration local self-government through the introduction of ICT and mass distribution rights to freely seek, receive, transfer, production and dissemination of information Federal target program “Electronic Russia” 2002
E-government “Budget Reform” and “Administrative Reform” were carried out. After 2010 the Program “Information Society 2011-2020” became the successor of “Electronic Russia”. The stated goals of all these Federal target programs were improving the quality of life through the use of ICT.
E-government At least half of Russian citizens had known about online services. Almost 83% of the residents Moscow are informed. In the cities with more than 1 million people population, only 2% of respondents have not heard anything about the services.
Portal Year of est. Initiator No. of petitions No. of solved petitions % of solved Russian Public Initiative 2013 The President Administration more than 5000 15 0,3% Change.org 2007 Private resource more than 8000 135 1,68% Online Petition NGO more than 4000 30 0,75% Demokrator Ru 2008 more than 12000 739 6,16% Our view 2012 466 12 2,57% Alter Russia 2011 54 2 3,7% Angry Citizen more than 150000 more than 20000 12,66% Beautiful St.Petersburg more than 50000 more than 18000 31,58% Our St.Petersburg 2014 Government more than 14000 57% Our City- Moscow more than 840000 more than 485000 57,7%
E-government 2007 E-participation tools begin to appear in Russia 2012 they gain the popularity April 2013 The Russian e-petition portal was called the Russian Public Initiative
E-government The mechanism for working with applications The petition gains 100,000 votes It is submitted to the governmental working group composed of 34 people The expert group includes representatives of executive and legislative authorities, the business community, non-profit organizations, scientific institutions and foundations.
E-government The Russian portal demonstrates a very high level of anonymity; neither the applicant’s name nor the data about those who voted for a petition are available to users. The RPI portal provides an option to vote against the initiative. The total number of votes is obtained by counting only the votes for the initiative, but the expert group receives the information about the total number of votes against the initiative as well.
E-government There are also a number of e-participation portals, which don’t have official status, among them: e-Petition portals: Change.org, Online Petition, Demokrator Ru, Our view, Alter Russia etc. portals of citizens’ complaints and urban issues: Angry citizen, Beautiful Petersburg, Our Petersburg, Our city- Moscow etc.
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