Biotic? Abiotic?
Ecological Investigations Simple questions with complex answers: What is there? How many are there? Where are they? Why is it like this?
Measuring Abiotic Components Terrestrial ecosystem Aquatic ecosystem
Marine Ecosystem
Abiotic Factors Marine Ecosystem Dissolved Oxygen Salinity Wave Action pH Temperature
Freshwater Ecosystem
Abiotic Factors Freshwater Ecosystem Dissolved Oxygen Flow Velocity Turbidity pH Temperature
Terrestrial Ecosystem
Terrestrial Ecosystem Light Intensity Wind Speed Mineral Content Soil Moisture Abiotic Factors Terrestrial Ecosystem Slope / Aspect Drainage Temperature Particle Size
Abiotic factors of a forest ecosystem Using a table, list the abiotic factors you used to measure the abiotic factors of the pond. Evaluate the effectiveness of each technique. Abiotic Factor Apparatus Units Effective Use Dissolved Oxygen Oxygen-selective electrode mg/l Simple to use; accurate to nearest 0.01 mg/l
Evaluating measuring techniques Have a go at the worksheet…