How to remember what you have learnt! Falmer, 1-2pm Room D222 Checkland Memorisation techniques Effective reading and notemaking for recall Organising information
Memorisation techniques What ‘memory style’ are you? – it’s helpful to recall what ‘learning style’ you have a preference for How do you remember the following: - your friend’s phone number - your first day at primary school - what you were wearing yesterday
Memorisation strategies Fact strategies – using sequence or rhythm - visualising or hearing the number - drawing or writing the number Event strategies - associations with feelings - strong memorable associations - smells, noise, visuals data sensory
Left Brain - Right Brain Sequence Logic Analysis Numbers Lyrics Language Names Calculations Sense of time Reasoning Formulae Holistic view Metaphor Synthesis Image/ colour Tune/ rhythm Faces Intuition Emotion Imagination
Stages of the memory process Information Taking in Absorbing Retaining Short-term memory Encoding Interacting Long-term memory Recalling Retrieving Conscious Sub-con Stages of the memory process Maximise on each stage of the memory process
Organising your notes into memorable format Lists Time line SWOT analysis Grid Mindmap Diagram Post-its Index cards Quiz
Recalling facts and cues Mnemonics Story ‘Pegging’ Journey Rhymes ROYGBIV