GK Warm UP Organisation 4 GKs work in a 10x1o square 3 v 1. 3 GKs must pass ball around square in any sequence. The objective is for the GK who is in the middle to tag a GK without the ball. Progression GKs pass ball with feet Introduce second football S1 Organization 3 GKs start between polls without a ball while 1 GK starts on their side with ball in hand. S1 serves he ball for GK to catch and return GK who is lying then rolls the ball for GK to make low diving save. GKs then rotate.
Passing and receiving Organisation GK GK 3 2 GK 4 GK 1 Organisation 4 GKs start on disc as shown GK with the ball passes in sequence 1 - 2 - 3 - 4. Progression GKs at disc 2 and 3 rotate GK1 plays to hands of GK at disc 2 who rolls for GK at disc 3 to play to GK at disc 4
Basic handling Organization 2 GK2 GK1 GK3 GK4 2 Organization GK1 starts with the ball and rolls to GK2 who strikes the ball to GK3 who rolls to GK4 to strike at GK1 to restart the practice. Progression Players move to position 2 and GKs use over arm throw to set ball to play cut back
GK combination practice 2 GK1 GK4 GK2 GK3 Organisation 6 footballs are placed on edge of 6yd area. GK1 plays to GK2 who sets the ball for GK1 to play to GK3 who keeps the ball at feet. GK1 repeats to opposite side. When all 6 footballs have been played GK3 and GK4 they are recycled by striking into GK1 alternative sides. Progression After making save GK1 returns ball to GK2 or GK4 who must not have raised arm. If both arms raised GK1 returns the ball to coach. GK3 now moves into position 2 and plays the ball across near post area.
Defend both goals Organisation GK1 GK2 Organisation 2 goals (poles) are set at right angles with a GK in each goal. GK1 must defend near post GK 2 defends main goal. 2 GKs are at the side of the goal with a supply of footballs. GKs at the side of goal have two shots each to score in either goal.