Synthesising research problems SSP4000 Research Process Week 17 (SPA-specific) Synthesising research problems
Learning Outcomes By the end of this session you will be able to Search for literature relevant to your research problem / question Summarise what has been found about your research problem area within previous research
Synthesising Research Book Article Article Newspaper report Article The State of the Art Consensus of Knowledge
Example Effects of dismissals on work-rate in FA Premier League Soccer Newspaper article: accessed 15/7/15
Example Effects of dismissals on work-rate in FA Premier League Soccer Journal article: Bar-Eli, M., Tenenbaum, G. and Geister, S. (2006), Consequences of players' dismissal in professional soccer: a crisis related analysis of group size effect, Journal of Sport Sciences, 10, 1083-1094.
Example Effects of dismissals on work-rate in FA Premier League Soccer Journal article: Carling, C. and Bloomfield, J. (2010), The effect of an early dismissal on player work-rate in a professional soccer match, Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 13, 126-128.
Example Effects of dismissals on work-rate in FA Premier League Soccer Journal article: Di Salvo, V., Collins, A., MacNeill, B. and Cardinale, M. (2006), Validation of Prozone®; a new video-based performance analysis system, International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 6, 108-119.
Example Effects of dismissals on work-rate in FA Premier League Soccer Journal article: Ridder, G., Cramer, J.S. and Hopstaken, P. (1994), Down to ten: estimating the effect of a red card in soccer, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 89(427), 1124-1127.
Example Effects of dismissals on work-rate in FA Premier League Soccer Journal article: Casamichana, J., Castellano, J., Galleja-González, J. and San Román, J. (2013), Differences between winning, drawing and losing teams in the 2010 World Cup, In Nunome, H., Drust, B. and Dawson, B. (Eds.), Science and Football VII, London: Routledge, pp. 211-216.
Example Effects of dismissals on work-rate in FA Premier League Soccer Journal article: Vecer, J. Kopriva, F. and Ichiba, T. (2008), Estimating the Effect of the Red Card in Soccer: when to commit an offense in exchange for preventing a goal opportunity, Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sport, 5(1), article 8.
Example Effects of dismissals on work-rate in FA Premier League Soccer Book making reference to the problem Hargreaves, A. and Bate, R. (2010), Skills and strategies for coaching soccer, 2nd edition, Champaign, Il: Human Kinetics. Beswick, B. (2010), Focussed for soccer: how to win the mental game, Champaign, Il: Human Kinetics.
Example Effects of dismissals on work-rate in FA Premier League Soccer Book chapter: Carling, C. and Bloomfield, J. (2013), Time-motion analysis, In McGarry, T., O’Donoghue, P.G. and Sampaio, J. (eds), Routledge Handbook of Sports Performance Analysis, London: Routledge, pp. 283-296.
Synthesis Being outnumbered reduces a team’s chance of winning (Casamichana et al., 2013; Ridder et al., 1994; Vecer et al., 2008) Debate Teams are becoming better at playing with 10 men (Guardian, 2010) Vecer et al. (2008) and Bar Eli et al. (2006) found that 10 men have a reduced chance of scoring but Ridder et al. (1994) found no effect of a dismissal on the 10 men scoring goals
Including the literature in your essay Section 1: Introduction (max 250) Topical literature Section 2: Framing the research problem/issue through a review of the relevant scientific literature (max 750) Dismissal effects on outcomes The dependent variable – work-rate Section 3: Rationale and research question (max 150) Gap based on Carling and Bloomfield’s (2010)study
Save some literature The methods (Carling et al., 2013) The validity and reliability of the methods (Di Salvo et al., 2006). Practical application of potential findings (Beswick, 2010; Hargreaves and Bate, 2010)