2006 Jakarta Rotary Zone Institute Pre-Institute District Trainers’ Training Seminar Gran Melia Jakarta Hotel Thursday, November 30, 2006
RRFC Dens Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator Zones 4B, 2005-08 Wei Lin “Dens” Shao PDG,D3520 And I held this post/position from 1999-2000 Since 2005, I have been the RRFC and I will continue with this until 2008. My presentation will run for approximately 1 hour, and I am warning you that some of the content can seem dull, but it’s very necessary to your job as District Trainer. I will do my best to make it as exciting as possible. 補充資料: District: 529 Zone: 34 Region 1 U.S.A. & CANADA Region 2 SOUTH AMERICA & MEXICO Region 3 EUROPE & AFRICA Region 4 ASIA Region 5 AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND Region 6 UNITED KINGDOM & IRELAND 42RRFCs 3year terms 14 new RRFCs / each year Wei Lin “Dens” Shao PDG,1999~2000 D3520 District Trainer Program
District Trainers’ Training Seminar When you look at this scene, what are your thoughts? What does it bring to mind? Sound And now? Pre-Institute District Trainers’ Training Seminar
GREAT Growth Rotary Foundation Effective Clubs Attendance Training How about, “GREAT!” When thinking of Rotary, we can use the word GREAT as an acronym to talk about the elements of Rotary. Does anyone know what the G might stand for? Represent? Mean? Growth R represents Rotary Foundation E means Effective Clubs Attendance Training Of the 5 elements, training is of the most importance, since the first 4 elements are directly related to and influenced by training.
District Trainer Program Helping you to plan and conduct training meetings that support effective Rotary clubs
Effective Rotary Clubs Sustain and/or increase their membership base Implement successful projects that address the needs of their communities and communities in other countries Support The Rotary Foundation through both program participation and financial contributions Develop leaders capable of serving Rotary beyond the club level District Trainer Program
Learning Objectives Understand the role and responsibilities of the district trainer Review the Rotary leadership development training cycle Session 1 (slide 2 of 4) The goal of my session today is to help you to understand the roles and responsibilities of the district trainer as outlined by the RI board of directors. I will be reviewing the Rotary leadership development training cycle with you so as to help you better understand the new job that lies ahead. The Rotary leadership development training cycle was developed to support Rotary club and district leaders who change annually. It includes the Board- or Trustees-recommended topics and RI resources. I encourage all of you to take advantage of Rotary’s Online Training modules which provide… Rotary E-Learning Center Rotary Training Talk Training Tips Free Downloads Need more? Click on RI Website. And let them help you be the best trainer you can be. District Trainer Program
District Trainer’s Role . The district trainer is responsible for supporting the governor and governor-elect in training club and district leaders District Trainer’s Manual page 4 Session 1 (slide 3 of 4) READ SLIDE Key points The RI Board has outlined the responsibilities of the district trainer. The specific responsibilities of the district trainer are ultimately determined at the district level. Based on the recommendation of the governor-elect, the governor may also appoint district training committee members for a one-year term. The district trainer serves as the chair of the committee and will determine the role and responsibilities of committee members. Qualifications for district training committee members should be consistent with those of the district trainer. (District Trainer’s Manual, pages 4-5) Discussion Questions: Who has been a district trainer before? What is the role of the district trainer in your district? What qualifications will you look for in a district training committee member? 8
Discussion Questions: Who has been a district trainer before? …………………………………………………….. The specific responsibilities of the district trainer are ultimately determined at the district level. What is the role of the district trainer in your district? ……………………………………………………………………………………...... Based on the recommendation of the governor-elect, the governor may also appoint district training committee members for a one-year term. The district trainer serves as the chair of the committee To determine the role and responsibilities of committee members. Qualifications for district training committee members should be consistent with those of the district trainer. What qualifications will you look for in a district training committee member? ※Qualifications: Active membership in good standing in a club in the district for at least 3 years Status as a PDG, a skilled PAG, or past district committee chair Understanding that the district trainer is responsible to the convener of each meeting (either the governor or governor-elect) Willingness and ability to accept the responsibilities of district trainer as determined by each district Preference should be given to Rotarians whose vocation or profession is related to training or education. Assistant District Trainers Based on the recommendation of the governor-elect, the governor may also appoint assistant district trainers for a one-year term, according to the needs of the district. The district trainer will determine the role and responsibilities of assistant district trainers. Qualifications for assistant district trainers should be consistent with those of the district trainer. District training committee If your district appoints assistant district trainers, you may consider organizing a district training committee. This committee, chaired by the district trainer with assistant district trainers as members, would coordinate all training for the district. Each member of the committee would be responsible for a particular district training meeting, such as PETS or the district leadership seminar. This committee approach allows the district trainer to delegate the specifics of each meeting while ensuring a consistent training message. Who has been a district trainer before? What is the role of the district trainer in your district? What qualifications will you look for in a district training committee member? District Trainer Program
Responsibilities Implement program content Conduct sessions Identify speakers and other volunteers Prepare training leaders Evaluate the program Coordinate logistics District Trainer’s Manual page 5 Session 1 (slide 4 of 4) Key point Under the direction of the governor-elect or governor, it is the district trainer’s responsibility to Implement program content Conduct sessions Identify speakers and other volunteers Prepare training leaders Evaluate the program Coordinate logistics Discussion Question: What additional responsibilities does your district assign the district trainer? District Trainer Program
Discussion Question: What additional responsibilities does your district assign the district trainer? Working with the District Governor and Governor-elect determining district-specific methods for conveying key concepts, Work with the governor and governor-elect early to determine what your role will be for each training meeting. 2. Working with the Seminar Leadership Team The governor or governor-elect may appoint a team of Rotarians to provide additional support, or it may be up to you to recruit help for each meeting. The members of this seminar leadership team can be assigned to assist with specific aspects of a meeting, including: Conducting and evaluating needs assessments Coordinating logistical arrangements Managing the meeting budget Managing registration Preparing and/or distributing materials Preparing training leaders Conducting training Analyzing meeting evaluations ※ A clear delineation of responsibilities with due dates will ensure that the team functions smoothly and the training meeting is a success. 3. Working with RI Appointees RI training leaders, regional Rotary Foundation coordinators (RRFCs), RI membership coordinators (RIMCs), and RI membership zone coordinators (RIMZCs) are valuable training resources. To find them in your area, consult with your district governor, or check the RI Web site or check the Official Directory (007-EN). District Trainer Program
Leadership Development Training Cycle District Trainer’s Manual pages 7-20 Session 2 Key points The District Trainer’s Manual, pages 8-20, contains the RI Board- or Trustees-recommended guidelines for each training meeting in the Rotary leadership development training cycle, including its time frame and topics. The recommended guidelines were developed to apply to all Rotary clubs and districts around the world. They do not make any difference because of geography, culture or other factors that may be important to the clubs in your district. You will work with the convener to develop an agenda that follows the Board and Trustees’ guidelines and also meets local needs. District Trainer Program
Leadership Development Training Cycle Session 2 (slide 2 of 5) Because most Rotary club and district leadership changes annually, training is critical to ensure continuity. The leadership development cycle for Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation is based on integrated district training meetings. As the diagram below illustrates: Key points Each meeting builds on the previous meeting to ensure that all club and district leaders share a common vision when the new Rotary year starts. The district membership seminar (as seen near the arrow marked June) should be held following the district assembly. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Governors-elect are trained at regional meetings during GETS and as an international group at the International Assembly. Governors-elect and the district trainers then train the district leadership team (assistant governors and district committee chairs and members) at the district team training seminar. The district leadership team then helps train club leaders at PETS and the district assembly. This cycle prepares all Rotary leaders from the RI President to Rotary club officers for the upcoming year. Discussion Questions How do these training meetings benefit your club? How do these training meetings benefit your district? District Trainer’s Manual page 7 District Trainer Program
Discussion Questions: How do these training meetings benefit your club? How do these training meetings benefit your district? How do these training meetings benefit your club? PETS / DISTAS: To develop club leaders who have the necessary skills, knowledge, and motivation to implement 4 elements of Effective Rotary Clubs. RI theme / Role and responsibilities / Goal setting Selecting and preparing club leaders / Club administration Membership recruitment and orientation / Service projects The Rotary Foundation / Resources / Planning for the year How do these training meetings benefit your district? To be successful Rotary leaders of their district. To discuss strategies To provide training and promotes a consistent Rotary message To learn how to promote Rotary, revitalize clubs, recruit members To learn how to encourage donations to TRF To develop a solid team of district leaders -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GETS: 18 GETS around the world orient the incoming class of RI district governors on how to be successful Rotary leaders of their district. These regional meetings allow governors-elect to discuss strategies that are effective in their part of the Rotary world. Int. Assembly: This gathering of all governors-elect provides training and promotes a consistent Rotary message throughout the world. a weeklong training conference during which they learned to promote Rotary, revitalize clubs, recruit members, and encourage donations to TRF. DTTS: To develop a cohesive team of district leaders with the necessary skills, knowledge, and motivation to support the clubs in the district to become Effective Rotary Clubs. RI theme / District administration / Roles and responsibilities Working with your clubs / Communication Planning for the year / Resources District Trainer Program
Leadership Development Training Cycle Session 2 (slide 3 of 5) Key point Continuing education opportunities, including the district leadership seminar and the district Rotary Foundation seminar. To ensure that club and district leaders have current information about Rotary and its Foundation. Discussion Questions: How do continuing education meetings benefit your district? How do continuing education meetings benefit your club? District Trainer’s Manual page 7 District Trainer Program
Discussion Questions: How do continuing education meetings benefit your district? To learn the latest developments in Rotary To discuss Rotary programs and issues To highlight successful programs in each zone. To provide participants with up-to-date information about Rotary programs To enjoy the fellowship of Rotary with fellow regional Rotary leaders. To improve and strengthen the Rotary movement. Club members can collectively realize Rotary's vision for a better world. To motivate Rotary leaders to support and participate in Foundation programs. To emphasize the responsibility of each Rtn to financially support the Foundation To encourage other Rotarians to give. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rotary Institutes: To bring current and past RI officers together: As above 1~6 18 institutes in the 2006-07 Rotary year RRFS: As above 7~10 Zone-level District Trainer Program To know how to provide club and district leaders with the knowledge and skills necessary to meet their responsibilities. To learn the skills needed to be an effective Rotary trainer and the practice of these skills. To share their experience and knowledge with others. How do continuing education meetings benefit your club? DRFS- The seminar provides an opportunity to Motivate Rotarians to support and participate in Foundation programs Outline Foundation programs and policies Update Rotarians on changes to Foundation programs and policies Share goals for the coming year Recognize individuals and clubs in the district for outstanding contributions to TRF DMS- To develop club and district leaders who have the necessary skills, knowledge, and motivation to support the clubs in the district to sustain and increase their membership base. the importance of membership / Retention / Recruitment / Organizing new clubs / Roles and responsibilities / Resources DLS- The DLS develops Rotarian leaders in the district with the necessary skills, knowledge, and motivation to serve Rotary beyond the club level. Leadership and motivational techniques / Building an international service project / Leadership opportunities / District meetings / Program electives Rotaract District Leadership Training Meeting: motivates, educates, and trains incoming Rotaract club officers in their responsibilities. to provide training to Rotaract club officers and committee chairs to develop communication between the Rotaract club leadership, the sponsoring Rotary club, and district leadership. To share ideas on service activities and membership development & retention. How do continuing education meetings benefit your district? How do continuing education meetings benefit your club? District Trainer Program
Incoming Officer Training Meetings Work with your governor-elect on district training needs for: District team training seminar Presidents-elect training seminar (PETS) District assembly District membership seminar Incoming Rotaract leadership training Other training events in the district, as appropriate District Trainer’s Manual pages 8-14, 19 Session 2 (slide 4 of 5) READ SLIDE Key points The district trainer works with the governor-elect on District team training seminar President-elect training seminar (PETS) District assembly District membership seminar Incoming Rotaract leadership training Other training events in the district, as appropriate The district membership seminar and incoming Rotaract leadership training are the primary responsibility of specific district committees. The district trainer may have responsibility, as determined by each district. These meetings all occur within the 6 months before the start of the Rotary year. Discussion Questions: Does your district convene any other incoming officer training? What topics are addressed at the district team training seminar? (DTM, pages 8-9) What topics are addressed at the presidents-elect training seminar? (DTM, pages 10-11) What topics are addressed at the district assembly? (DTM, pages 12-14) What topics are addressed at the district membership seminar? (DTM, pages 17-18) What topics are addressed at the incoming Rotaract leadership training?(DTM, page 19) District Trainer Program
Discussion Questions: Does your district convene any other incoming officer training? District Trainer Program
Continuing Education Training Meetings Work with the governor on developing and conducting annual training for: District leadership seminar District Rotary Foundation seminar Other training events in the district, as appropriate District Trainer’s Manual page 4 Session 2 (slide 5 of 5) READ SLIDE Key point The district Rotary Foundation seminar is the primary responsibility of the district Rotary Foundation committee. The district trainer may have responsibility, as determined by each district. Discussion Questions: Are there any additional training events specific to your district? What topics are addressed at the district leadership seminar? What topics are addressed at The Rotary Foundation seminar? District Trainer Program
Discussion Questions: Are there any additional training events specific to your district? District Trainer Program
Discussion Questions: What are the criteria for choosing training leaders? How to find and recruit potential training leaders ? Criteria for Choosing Training Leaders Seek Rotarians with a background in training or education as well as the requisite Rotary knowledge and experience to convey essential information to participants. Consider the following criteria: • Training expertise The ability to skillfully present information and facilitate discussion is very important. • Knowledge and familiarity with issues Rotarians with extensive knowledge about a specific topic may be preferable for sessions that focus on information-heavy topics. Professional knowledge might be an important consideration. However, experienced or knowledgeable Rotarians who are selected as training leaders should be reminded to remain impartial and avoid acting as the sole authority on an issue, which may intimidate participants and inhibit participation. • Rotary leadership experience Rotary leadership experience is another consideration when selecting training leaders. Consideration should not be limited to past district governors but might also include immediate past club or district officers. For example, a successful immediate past club president might be particularly effective in training incoming club presidents. How to find and recruit potential Training Leaders ? • Past district trainers and training leaders • Immediate past club and district officers • Current district committee chairs • Past RI training leaders • Past RI membership coordinators, and regional Rotary Foundation coordinators Consult the Official Directory for the names of these Rotarians, who may also have training experience. District Trainer Program
2006 Jakarta Rotary Zone Institute Pre-Institute District Trainers’ Training Seminar THANK YOU Gran Melia Jakarta Hotel Thursday, November 30, 2006