Lucy Deakin & Chris Gould Tuesday 14th February 2017 Parochial Fees 2017 Lucy Deakin & Chris Gould Tuesday 14th February 2017 Welcome all and thank you for coming Introductions to Lucy & Chris
Parochial Fees Fees legally belong to the DBF Fee levels increase each year Fees are based on the costs of ministry; making the church available; routine administration and lighting PCC / benefice usually handle payments and pass across to the DBF its share at ideally monthly or quarterly intervals LUCY These are PRIORITY before Parish Share and a legal requirement
The PCC element PCC fees have been calculated to include a location/building element based on national statistics for the overall costs of repairs and maintenance of church buildings and the number of hours in use. Also included is an element for administration and cost of lighting. LUCY
Extras that can be charged Heating Services of a verger Services of an organist, choir or bell-ringers Sheet or recorded music that has to be specially purchased The provision of recorded or taped music The taking of films, video or sound recordings Flowers Special furnishings LUCY
Bishops’ Guidelines These work alongside the fees and cover the majority of queries and idiosyncrasies which may arise in determining the fees A copy has been sent to all treasurers, first church wardens, PCC secretaries/administrators, Incumbents, retired clergy and funeral directors in the Diocese. LUCY Most Questions are answered in these guidelines
How it works All services recorded on 1 page Excel spreadsheet automatically totals amount at the end to save carrying forward any subtotals as before. Ref/Code - This is based on a 'building blocks' idea so hopefully it makes it easier to work out which fee applies to the service. This is aimed specifically at funerals and burials which have the most combinations and can often be confused. Each service should be recorded on a separate line, so for example Mr White had a funeral service and was buried the same day, therefore: F (Funeral) £98 BCH (Buried in Churchyard) £12 LUCY – MORE examples on animation
Worked examples Date Ref* Name Church Name of Officiant Retired Clergy Fee £ PCC Fee £ DBF Fee £ 01/04/16 M Smith / Jones St. Lucy's Rev. I M Jollie - £231.00 £193.00 06/04/16 F White St. Lucy's Rev. I M Jollie - £84.00 £98.00 06/04/16 BCH White St. Lucy's Rev. I M Jollie - £113.00 £12.00 21/05/16 M Green / Brown St. Lucy's Rev. I M Jollie - £231.00 £193.00 03/06/16 FCRB Mason St. Lucy's Rev. I M Jollie - £28.00 £154.00 09/06/16 VT White St. Lucy's Rev. I M Jollie - £56.00 £12.00 21/06/16 WC Black St. Lucy's Rev. Cheerful - £29.00 £12.00 LUCY Please note the White funeral and burial on the same day are on separate lines and the monument is listed further down The Funeral Cremation INCLUDING Burial in cemetary This is very different from a Funeral Church Service (F) £98 followed by a cremation (CR) £26 immediately before or after the service and a burial of ashes in the churchyard ACH £12 (which grand totals £134) or cemetery BCM £26 (which grand totals £150). £0.00 £772.00 £674.00
Retired Ministers with PTO Funeral Directors have been instructed to make all payments to the PCC/benefice Retired Ministers will approach the PCC/benefice for their apportionment of fees and travel expenses Should the Retired Minister refuse a fee, then the whole fee (excluding the PCC element) is payable to the DBF LUCY – PLEASE NOTE Retired clergy fees - £32.50 this year
Worked examples – Retired Ministers Date Ref* Name Church Name of Officiant Retired Clergy Fee £ PCC Fee £ DBF Fee £ 28/05/16 M Baker / Clarke St. Lucy's Rev. Cheerful £129.00 £231.00 £64.00 15/06/16 F Black St. Lucy's Rev. Cheerful £65.00 £84.00 £33.00 20/06/16 BACHS Black St. Lucy's Rev. Cheerful £25.00 £113.00 £13.00 21/06/16 WC Black St. Lucy's Rev. Cheerful - £29.00 £12.00 LUCY Wedding is pretty straight forward in the split out, as is a standard funeral, however as you will see, Black had a funeral on one day, and Burial of cremated remains in the churchyard on a separate on separate day, so is listed as such. Monuments do not have a clergy fee as such, so you will see that the split out is thus. £219.00 £457.00 £122.00
Waiving Parochial Fees The Incumbent or Priest in Charge (P-in-C) has the right to waive the DBF fee “in a particular case”* The DBF will have to find the additional fund for stipends elsewhere The Incumbent or P-in-C has also the right to waive the PCC fee after consulting with the CWs PCCs will approach the Rural Dean in the case of a vacancy * This means that the Incumbent/P-in-C cannot issue a general, blanket waiver of fees in the parish. LUCY
Vacancy Claims Detailed information will be sent at the beginning of a vacancy Vacancy Claims for Sunday or Weekday services – max 4 services per week. Forms completed monthly Fees can not be paid to Stipendiary clergy, House for Duty priests, self supporting ministers (SSMs), Chaplains or Readers House for Duty Priests are treated the same as stipendiary clergy CHRIS
Clergy Sickness Cover Fees for casual duty and travel expenses are payable by the DBF for a period of eight weeks commencing at the beginning of the fifth week from the time that an Incumbent is ill. These fees are not payable to stipendiary clergy, SSMs, Chaplains or Readers, although they may claim travel expenses. It is the responsibility of the churchwarden arranging the service to ensure that any visiting clergy have PTO. No payment will be made by the DBF to visiting clergy who do not have PTO. CHRIS
Fees – Recording and Accounting Recording and handling fees Does not have to be done by the treasurer …but if not, info should be provided to the treasurer Not usually done by the incumbent Accounting for fees Only the PCC element appears in the PCC’s income / receipts total in the annual accounts The amounts payable to the DBF and – if applicable – a retired clergyperson do not appear in income / expenditure CHRIS
Best Practice Frequency of returns Payments – BACS,CHQ reference Parish + Fees Bishops Guidelines Mistakes can be rectified and reconciled – contact Lucy (details on final slide) Ideally a service per line rather than multiples added together as it is easier to see if there has been an over/under payment LUCY Frequency - Busy churches monthly, but ideally the majority is quarterly.
Fee Audits Every year a selection of 12 PCCs are selected for an annual fee audit (some randomly and some on a risk basis) The DBF officers will be comparing PCC records with the PCCs for completeness and accuracy It is hoped that they will assist the PCCs with good practice and record keeping Queries are followed up shortly after each audit and any necessary recommendations made CHRIS
FAQs Two bodies in one plot or an additional body in a pre-existing plot Other denominations Readers Banns & Renewal of vows CHRIS & LUCY 1. This comes under section 3.5 of the Bishops Guidelines: “If a burial is made in the churchyard in an existing plot, the PCC fee is not payable; the PCC fee is primarily used for the upkeep of the plot and it would have already been paid at the time of the first burial. “ 2. Similarly 3.5 of the guidelines states “If there is no CofE Minister officiating the burial, there is no prescribed DBF fee.” 3. Do not receive fees 4. Renewals – no set fee, it depends on the size of service and PCC’s discretion. Banns only have a PCC fee
Thank you.. For attending the training, and for all of your hard work in your role. For any feedback on the evaluation form – please can you fill in before you leave CHRIS & LUCY
Any questions? All fee tables, Bishops’ Guidelines and leaflets are available on the diocesan website: parishes/finance/for-treasurers/parochial-fees Or you can contact the office: / 01749 685279 01749 685126 LUCY & CHRIS Thank you for coming. FEEDBACK form