Anxiety disorders
Anxiety disorders Definition Normal anxiety Anxiety symptom generalized anxiety disorder panic disorder phobias obsessive compulsive disorder acute stress and post traumatic stress disorders
Anxiety disorders Symptoms of anxiety Psychological:fear, apprehenssion,fear of illness Autonomic:heart,lungs,kidneys,stomach,in testin Motor: headache, muscle spasm..
Anxiety disorders Biology of anxiety noradrenaline serotonine GABA
GAD Generalized anxiety disorder Definition: C/F: 1-symptoms of anxiety 2- associated 3- 6 months Etiology Genetic, Social, Psychological Dynamic (conflicts) Frustration Threat to self esteem
GAD DDx: Hyperthyroidism Management reassurance drugs Benzodiazepines Antipsychotics Tricyclic antidepressants B blockers psychotherapy Social therapy
Panic disorder Panic disorder Definition C/F: Symptoms of anxiety Discrete attacks, short duration In between, little or no symptoms Fear of next attacks 4 weeks
Panic disorder Etiology Genetic, biochemical, hyperventilation, cognitive DDx Hypoglycemia, pheochromacytoma Management reassurance drugs SSRIs , Tricyclic antidepressants: clomipramine,imipramine cognitive behavioral therapy
phobias Phobias Definition C/F 1-anxiety symptoms 2-certain object or situation avoidance Types simple phobia social phobia 3-agoraphobia’s
phobias Management Behavioral: desensitization, flooding, implosion, social skill training
Stress disorders Acute stress and posttraumatic stress disorders Definition C/F Exposure to extreme threat Repeated reliving Dreams Avoidance Decreased interests, emotional numbness Hyperarousal Sleep disturbance Poor concentration Duration 1m acute 6m PTSD
Stress disorders DDx GAD Depression Management Behavioral Drugs SSRIs