Marcelo Calil Instituto Brasileiro de Controle do Câncer Male breast cancer: Epidemiological study in patients attended in three academic hopitals in São Paulo -Brazil Marcelo Calil Instituto Brasileiro de Controle do Câncer Instituto Brasileiro de Controle do Câncer – IBCC São Paulo - Brazil 910
Table 1: Clinical characteristics of patients INTRODUCTION: Male breast cancer is rare, accounting for approximately 1% of all cases of breast cancer. METHODS: This retrospective study assessed data from medical records of 35 male patients with invasive breast cancer diagnosed between February 2003 and April 2013, at our service Table 1: Clinical characteristics of patients Clinical characteristic Total (n=35) Median age (range) 65 (42-91) Histology Ductal carcinoma Lobular carcinoma 32 (91,4%) 22 (8,6%) Stage I II III IV 6 (17,1%) 17 (48,6%) 6(17,1%) Hormone receptor Positive Negative 31 (88,6%) 4 (11,4%) HER 2 status 3 (8,6%) Family history of cancer Yes No 10 (28,6%) 25(71,4%) Table 1: Clinical characteristics of patients
Table 2: Treatment received Male breast cancer: Epidemiological study in patients attended in three academic hopitals in São Paulo-Brazil Table 2: Treatment received Treatment Total (n=35) Surgery Yes No 31 (88,6%) 4 (11,4%) Type of surgery Mastectomy Breast conserving surgery 30 (96,8%) 1 (3,2%) Chemotherapy 25 (73,5%) 9 (26,5% Type of chemotherapy Neoadjuvant Adjuvant Paliative 1 (4%) 21( 84%) 3 (12%) Fig 1:Progresion free survival (A) and overall survival (B) Time (months) Time (months)
Male breast cancer: Epidemiological study in patients attended in three academic hopitals in São Paulo-Brazil CONCLUSION: The epidemiological and pathological features, as well as treatment, are similar to literature. The stage II was the most prevalent in our sample, different from those described in the literature. KEYWORDS: MALE, BREAST, CANCER, EPIDEMIOLOGICAL.