Section 1.2-1.3 Classification and Invertebrates
How Classification Began Classification(分类): the grouping of objects or information based on similarities. Taxonomy(分类学): branch of biology that groups and names organisms based on studies of their different characteristics. Aristotle: Plants vs. Animals Flying vs. Walking
Linnaeus System Panthera leo Panthera tigris Carolus Linnaeus Binomial nomenclature Two Latin names First is genus Second is specific epithet Species name: Panthera leo Panthera tigris Always capitalized Always lowercased Always in Italics
How Living Things Are Classified Eukarya Animalia Chordata Mammalia Primates Hominidae Homo Sapien A group of organisms is called a taxon(分类单元) Organisms are ranked in taxa that range from having very broad characteristics to very specific ones. Lynx canadensis Lynx rufus Felis concolor Did King Phil’s Class Order Free Great Soup? What is the taxonomy of human beings?
Rosa laevigata Rosa canina Malus pumila
Scientific vs. Common Names Giraffa camelopardalis Giraffe Panthera onca Jaguar Fox Vulpes vulpes Platanista gangetica Dolphin Why don’t we just use common names? Why do we use Latin?
The Animalia Kingdom Animals: Multicellular consumers Animals are multicellular heterotrophs (eat things to get energy) Two Groups: Vertebrates Have a vertebral column (backbone) Invertebrates Do not have a vertebral column (backbone)
Invertebrate Phyla Nematodes Annelids Molluscs “roundworms”; thread-like bodies with a mouth and anus; No legs Live in soil and water Parasites that live off the body of a host Annelids Soft bodied segmented worms with paddle-like feet, chaetae, or bristles Live in the sea, soil, or fresh water Molluscs Soft bodied but no segmentation Use false-foot (pseudopodium) to move Many have a shell for protection
Invertebrates: Arthropod Phyla Arthropods species with segmented body covered by an exoskeleton with jointed legs Crustaceans 2 sections; cephalothorax and abdomen Two pairs of antennae and compound eyes Breath with gills Nearly all live in water Myriapods Long bodies made of many segments Centipedes 1 pair of legs per segment Carnivores (meat eaters) Millipedes 2 pairs of legs per segment Herbivores (plant eaters)
Invertebrates: Arthropod Phyla 2 3) Insects 3 body parts; head, thorax and abdomen One pair of antennae on their head and have compound eyes 3 pairs of legs on thorax; sometimes 2 pairs of wings Breathing holes in exoskeleton called spiracles; Waterproof cuticle Live almost everywhere! Most abundant life form 4) Arachnids 2 body parts; cephalothorax and abdomen 4 pairs of legs and no wings No antennae but many pairs of eyes Many have poison; some deadly to humans Spider have spinnerets make silk threads
Research you favorite vertebrate: Homework: Vocab lists Questions on p. 5 and 7 Research you favorite vertebrate: Tell us: Phyla Habitat (where it lives) Interesting characteristics