Stuff that comes out of a volcano


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Presentation transcript:

Stuff that comes out of a volcano Volcano Jeopardy Eruptions Magma Stuff that comes out of a volcano Types of Volcanoes Causes 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 Final Jeopardy

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Eruptions-100 QUESTION : What are the two types of eruptions? ANSWER : Quiet and explosive

Eruptions-200 QUESTION: What comes from a quiet eruption? ANSWER: Lava flow ( pahoehoe, aa, pillow lava

Eruptions-300 QUESTION: Is this a picture of an explosive or quiet volcano? ANSWER: Nonexplosive.

Eruptions -400 QUESTION: This often erupts down the side of a volcanic mountain in an explosive eruption. ANSWER: Pyroclastic flow

Eruptions-500 QUESTION: Describe the differences between explosive and nonexplosive eruptions. ANSWER: explosive has material that shoots into the air, nonexplosive has lava flows.

Magma-100 QUESTION: What determines the type of eruption that would occur? ANSWER: Water and silica in the magma

Magma-200 QUESTION: What happens when there is a lot of water in the magma? ANSWER: More likely to erupt explosively.

Magma-300 QUESTION: What happens when there are large amounts of silica in the magma? ANSWER: More likely to be explosive.

Magma-400 QUESTION: What does runny lava mean for a volcano? ANSWER: Gases can escape which makes it less likely to be explosive.

Magma-500 QUESTION: Why does silica cause explosive volcanoes? ANSWER: It can cause the magma to clog the vents, increasing pressure.

Stuff-100 QUESTION: What comes from a nonexplosive volcano? ANSWER: Lava

Stuff-200 QUESTION: Which type of lava is slow moving? ANSWER: Blocky lava

Stuff-300 QUESTION: What are the three types of faster moving lava? ANSWER: Pahoehoe, Aa and pillow lava.

Stuff-400 QUESTION: What comes out of an explosive volcano? ANSWER: Pyroclastic material.

Stuff-500 QUESTION: What are the types of pyroclastic material in order from largest to smallest? ANSWER: Volcanic blocks, volcanic bombs, lapilli and volcanic ash.

Types-100 QUESTION: What are the three types of volcano? ANSWER: Shield, cinder cone and composite

Types-200 QUESTION: Which type of volcano forms from moderately explosive eruptions? ANSWER: Cinder cone.

Types-300 QUESTION: The largest mountain on earth is this type of volcano. ANSWER: Shield volcano

Types-400 QUESTION: What type of eruption produces a composite volcano? ANSWER: Both explosive and nonexplosive.

Types-500 QUESTION: What is the difference between craters and calderas? ANSWER: A crater is the top most vent and is funnel-shaped. The caldera is what occurs when the magma chamber completely empties.

Causes-100 QUESTION: Where do many volcanoes exist? ANSWER: Along plate boundaries like the Ring of Fire.

Causes-200 QUESTION: How do you change rock into magma? ANSWER: Increase temperature or decrease pressure

Causes-300 QUESTION: What happens when tectonic plates separate? ANSWER: The magma rises through the opening or rift and causes sea floor spreading.

Causes-400 QUESTION: Where does the oceanic plate turn into magma underneath a continental plate? ANSWER: At the subduction zone.

Causes-500 QUESTION: What created Hawaii? ANSWER: Hot spots under the ocean crust.

FINAL JEOPARDY QUESTION: What are two of the three impacts of explosive eruptions and how can we predict them? ANSWER: Flows, fallout and climatic fluctuation Use seismographs, tiltmeters or measurements of released gases.