Causes of WWI Newspaper Headline/article Directions: You will pick/be assigned one of the following nations: Russia perspective England perspective Germany perspective Austria- Hungary perspective France perspective Serbia perspective It is 1914, after a series of chain reactions the Europe/world is locked in war. You are a newspaper reporter for a city newspaper in your nation and you are assigned to cover why your nation is in war. Use pages 363- 367 (in class textbook). You should have the following: Newspaper title: Example: New York Times Date: This date should be reflective of when your nation entered Price of Paper: Headline- no less then 2 worlds no more than 6- large font Sub headline- small font, more words- no less then 6 no more then 10- more descriptive Article – no less than 3 paragraphs no more than 5- from perspective of your nation- report- who, what, where, when, why, how, etc. Photos, maps, political cartoons, charts, etc.,