Current work on XSLT filter services Peter Jentsch Current work on XSLT filters
Current work on XSLT filters What's been done so far New XSLT transformation service based on libxslt Preferred transformation service configurable Make MS XML 2003 filters work with XSLT 1.0 + exslt + some libxslt extension functions Current work on XSLT filters
Current work on XSLT filters What's cooking? Move Saxon/Java based transformation to extension package (for rarely used XSLT 2.0 support) Bug fixes (XSLT filter performance) Further simplification (remove unsused DTD configuration, XML validation service, XML source viewer) Current work on XSLT filters
What do we do with XSLT filters? General purpose import/export filter for complex file types (like MS Office XML 2003)? Barely Quote James Clark from 1999: Not for Everything XSLT is not a general-purpose XML transformation language XML can represent arbitrary data of arbitrary complexity General-purpose XML transformation requires general-purpose programming language Roll your own import to visualise XML data from some system you rolled your own? Yes. Current work on XSLT filters
Current work on XSLT filters Thank you … Peter Jentsch: Current work on XSLT filters