Welcome to the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum Evening 2016
The EYFS Curriculum- Early Years Foundation Stage- 0-5
7 Areas of learning Personal, Social and Emotional Communication and Language Physical Development Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World Expressive Arts and Design
End of year expectations - ELG
Literacy in Early Years Well planned play experiences-through provision and hands on activities Daily phonics session Topic text books Guided Writing groups Guided Reading Individual Reading Cross Curricular
End of year example
Non negotiables in EYFS Spellings: mummy daddy I school the my you Baildon
How you can help at home -Reading Reading with your child at home – bedtime stories Talk about the pictures Ask lots of questions e.g. What do you think will happen next? Why is the boy feeling sad? Would you like to travel on a boat like the boy in the story? Reading familiar signs and logos in the environment Reading diary and homework (sent out Thur bring back Tue) Library- bring home book on a Thursday with homework bag Singing Nursery Rhymes
How you can help at home - Letters and Sounds Foam letters in the bath Magnetic letters in the fridge Alphabetti Spaghetti Sound walk Recognise the sounds in their name Chalk
How you can help at home -Writing Writing their full name Shopping lists Cards Letters Label pictures Tracing Dot – to – dot – fine motor skills Cursive handwriting- copy in pack
Mathematics in Early Years Numbers and Shape Space and Measure Through provision Maths group challenges Daily Mathematics session Workshop Construction Cross Curricular
How you can help at home –Mathematics Counting stairs to bed Numbers on doors Numbers in the environment – car registration, prices Shape hunt Vocabulary - more, less, equals, altogether, most, tall etc.. Practical problem solving Height chart
General Lunches Independence Morning routine Learning journeys Superstars Packs ‘Come & Play’ w/b 3rd oct
The children are settling in really well and new routines are being established.
If you are concerned or have any questions please do come and ask a member of the Reception team. The best time to see someone is at the end of the school day once we have seen all the children out. We understand your child is still young. We will continue to nurture and care for each and everyone of them, because this is what we do best. Thank you for coming