groovy greeks Every important thing about these ancient people you can find out if you stay and turn to the next page
democracy women were not allowed to vote . no kids to vote no political parties no kids to vote they created democracy
olympics During the Olympics the Greeks would call a truce ( stop fighting ) so these activities could go on . There was lots of different games in the Olympics such as : armour race , chariot race, discus ,short sprint , naked race , javelin , pankaration , trumpeting , horse race .
Battle of marathon It was part of the first Greco Persian war . This battle took place in 490 BC between the Athenians and Persians . It was part of the first Greco Persian war .
Gods and goddesses They all lived on mount Olyumpus everyone accept Hades. Athena : didn’t get along with Poseidon . Poseidon : drove a golden cart called a chariot. Hermes : he was the messenger god. Ares : god of war . Zeus : king of the gods . Aphrodite : was born fully grown . Hera : Zeus is her brother Artemis : Apollos twin sister. Hades : god of the under world Apollo : handsome god Hephaestus : god of fire Hestia : oldest god
Myths The Greeks loved to tell myths such as : the Trojan horse ,Persephone , Pandoras box and Theseus and the Minotour . now we are re telling the myths !
greekPots One of the most famous pots was the black and red decorated pot . Early pots were usually made with black people and red backgrounds on them. Patterns took a long time to get on a pot. We made pots of our own ! we got some clay and moulded it into a pot shape
Thanks for watching hope you learnt lots about the ancient Greeks