Commissioning in times of austerity Ian Staples Integrated Lead Commissioner Complex Needs Walsall MBC / CCG
My Background Working in health and social care for over 35 years, prior worked 4 years in industry 6 years as a nurse in NHS 11 years as an operational manager in local authority 6 years as senior manager in local authority 12 years in joint / integrated commissioning
Integrated Commissioning Complex Needs Team of 3, Lead Commissioner and 2 Commissioning Managers Responsible for all specialist health and social care services covering Adults with Learning Disabilities, Autism , Physical Disabilities and Sensory Disabilities Pooled Budget for Learning Disabilities (72/28 share) S75 Partnership arrangement Local Authority lead agency
The challenges Need to make substantial savings Need to commission services for autism with no funding End of Supporting People programme and inherited 4 Housing Support Contracts worth £1,059,000
What we did Decommissioned the 4 contracts at a value of £1,059,000 Commissioned a new Housing Support service to replace above at a value of £180,000 Commissioned a new Autism Befriending service at a value of £43333 Commissioned an Autism Community outreach service at a value of £49,677 Delivered £785,990 to Council Savings Plan
Additional Costs Apart from existing resources we commissioned specialist engagement services to consult with users of the services at a total cost of £9500 (Including BSL Interpreters)
Key Actions Review of existing services Establish desired outcomes and new models of delivery Clarify prevention Business Cases Consultation EQUIA and Risk Procurement and legal – TUPE, pilots, transitionary contracts Coproduction – Shared Solutions Statutory Duties
Drivers to change Care Act Children and Families Act National Autism Strategy – Statutory Guidance Savings STP TCP Resilient Communities and Locality Models Consolidation of specialist services
Key lessons learnt Challenge provider claims and assumptions Validate through independent user consultation Move from Block to activity and flexibility – Floating support Use voluntary sector expertise – particularly in relation to research and evidence base Passion and belief Outcome focussed Use pilots to learn Prevent TUPE if of no benefit Impact on partners – particularly NHS
Contact Ian Staples 01922602453