ESSENTIAL INFORMATION Carly Hill:, Office 117, Phone 01502 525117 Bring: Pen, pencil, paper, calculator, ruler, (protractor/compass), (folder/exercise book) Units: Number, Ratio, Geometry and Shape, Statistics, Probability, Formulae (and Algebra for GCSE) Functional Skills Exam: Calculator, dictionary, Three Tasks: 1: Number, 2: Measure, Shape And Space, 3: Data Handling, 1-2hrs long, March 23rd-29th during normal Maths class GCSE Exams: AQA 8300 (grades 1-9), 1hr 30min mixed content exams, 2 calculator papers, 1 non-calculator (24/05, 07/06, 12/06)
Rule Recap uaaggnel Language llubgyin Bullying atassndhhood aoodddrinnfk hposen luncttpuaiy danttenace ratwe roboyurdest Language Bullying Hats and Hoods Food and drink Phones Punctuality Attendance Water Do your best
w/b 11/09/2017 Charts, Graphs and Data
TODAY Interpret and construct tables, charts and diagrams: Scatter, tally, pie, bar, line, pictograms, two-way tables Frequency tables and data organisation Appropriate uses for each graph type Misleading graphs and their effects Part one of your diagnostic assessment (FS only) Assessment feedback (GCSE only) Next week: Number
Challenge You have 60 seconds to draw as many different types of graph or chart on Post-It notes as you can: Gold: 10 graphs or charts Silver: 8 graphs or charts Bronze: 6 graphs or charts Name each graph or chart Label important features
Labelled axes Title Consistent scales Be clear and easy to interpret Suitable for the type of data
TALLY CHARTS A tally chart provides a quick method of recording data as events happen. Tally marks are drawn as vertical strokes until there are four. Then the fifth stroke is drawn across the previous four. The advantage of this method of tallying is that objects can be counted quickly and easily.
YOUR TURN… You will be keeping tally of different coloured cars There are 4 stages in total At the end you need to add all totals up and complete the grand total Good Luck!! Tally Count Green Car Blue Car Red Car Yellow Car
RESULTS – STAGE 1 Tally Count Green Car |||| ||| 8 Blue Car |||| || 7 |||| ||| 8 Blue Car |||| || 7 Red Car Yellow Car |||| |||| 9
RESULTS – GRAND TOTAL Tally Frequency Green Car 45 Blue Car 30 Red Car 38 Yellow Car 36
How many of each colour Smarties are there? Pictogram Pictograms show data as pictures. The pictures represent a number of items. The Pictogram must also have a key for it to make sense. Pictograms are not usually the best graph to use, because data can be more easily represented in bar graphs. How many of each colour Smarties are there?
Line Graphs Line graphs are used to show direction, or change in direction They tell us what happens over a period of time Plot the data on the graph with points or crosses When drawing a graph, it is important that you use the correct scale otherwise it can change its meaning.
Method of travelling to School Pie Charts Method of travelling to School Frequency Sector size (°) Walking 8 (8/30) x 360 = 96 Car 9 (9/30) x 360 = 108 Bus 4 (4/30) x 360 = 48 Cycle 5 (5/30) x 360 = 60 Train 1 (1/30) x 360 = 12 Taxi 3 (3/30) x 360 = 36 Total 30 360
Bar Charts Bar charts show information using horizontal or vertical bars. When you are making a bar graph, remember to: 1) Add a title to explain what it shows. 2) Add labels to the axes to make it easy to understand. A bar line chart is like a bar chart, but it uses lines instead of bars.
Number of ice-creams sold Scattergraph Mr. Softee often buys too much or too little ice-cream from the wholesalers, and therefore does not make as much profit as he'd like to. He decides to record how many ice-creams he sells over a number of days to see whether there is a link between the temperature and the number of ice-creams sold. Temperature (°C) 21 26 15 23 18 29 20 27 22 17 30 19 Number of ice-creams sold 70 86 50 80 58 96 66 92 74 54 100 62 Scale: Highest x value = 30 Lowest x value = 15 Highest y value = 100 Lowest y value = 50
Plot the values on your axes, x first, then y. Temperature (°C) 21 26 15 23 18 29 20 27 22 17 30 19 Number of ice-creams sold 70 86 50 80 58 96 66 92 74 54 100 62 100 90 Draw a line of best fit. 80 Number of ice-creams sold 70 60 50 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Temperature (°C)
Mr. Softee should expect to sell 83 ice creams. 100 90 Number of ice-creams sold 80 70 60 50 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Temperature (°C) Mr. Softee has watched the weather forecast and the temperature is going to be 25°C. Estimate how many ice creams he can expect to sell. Identify 25°C. Draw a line to meet the line of best fit… Mr. Softee should expect to sell 83 ice creams. Then to the other axis. Estimate the value…
MISLEADING GRAPHS What makes a graph misleading? What impact can this have on the reader?
TRUE OR FALSE: Sales are rising rapidly! 4300 4310 4320 4330 4340 4350 4360 4370 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Year Sales The graph is misleading because it suggests that sales have increased significantly over a five year period. In reality they have only increased by 70 units, which is not much given that they are selling thousands.
Which is misleading? Why?
Which is the better graph – why? Where is the spelling mistake?
Scale made very small to make graph look very big
Scale made very small to make graph look very big
The scale is so compressed that it’s hard to see any difference among the brands.
Although the vertical scale starts at 0, it does not go up in even steps. This distorts the graph, and makes it look as though the biggest jump is between 1 and 2, rather than 3 and 4. Also, there are no labels on the axes, so we have no idea what this graph represents!
The graph suggests that the stock will continue to increase through 2020, but there’s no way to foresee the future.
On this pictogram, there is no category for people who do not own a pet. The pictures are different sizes, and it appears that more people own a horse than any other animal. An improvement would be to redraw the pictogram, with each of the animals the same size and aligned with one another.
TRUE OR FALSE: There are more 15 year old boys than girls. 15 year olds 16 year olds 18 year olds 17 year olds Girls Boys False. We cannot make this conclusion from these graphs because we don’t know the totals. There might be 10 boys in total, making roughly 5 aged 15, but 100 girls, 30 of which are 15. It only tells us the proportion of 15 year olds.
TRUE OR FALSE: Twice as many people like Thrillers than Romance films. 5 20 25 40 60 100 120 150 Horror Favourite Films Number of People Comedy Action Romance Thriller The scale on the vertical axis is not linear, so even though the green bar is twice as big as the purple bar, it does not represent twice as many people.
SUMMARY Scale doesn’t start at zero Scale is very small to make the data on the graph look really big Scale values or labels missing from the graph Sector labels and sizes missing from a pie chart Incorrect scale placed on the graph Size of images used in pictograms are different for the different categories
DIAGNOSTIC You have 30 minutes to complete the first part of your diagnostic. This will be used to make sure you are on the correct Functional Skills level. You can use a calculator (not a phone). You can wear headphones, but nobody around you must be able to hear what you are listening to! Work must be your own.
TOPIC TEST You have 20 minutes to complete this Topic Test, then we will go through the answers together You can use a calculator You do not have to work in silence!
On mini whiteboards…