ILC Accelerator Activities at Spain ILC EUROPEAN ACTION PLAN ILC Accelerator Activities at Spain ILC-EAP 19-10-2016
Outline: Facilities and Laboratories at Spain: CONECTA and the ILC ILC R&D Accelerators activities ILC Industrial activities 19-10-2016 ILC-EAP
Accelerator Physics is a field rather new for Spain and there are not many National Labs or groups involved in the R&D for Accelerators Techniques for Particle and Nuclear, Physics, Fusion and Photonics Applications 19-10-2016 ILC-EAP
CONECTA: Coordinación Nacional Española para la Ciencia y Tecnología de Aceleradores Bilbao ESS Barcelona INTE-UPC ALBA-CELLS Madrid CIEMAT CMAM-UAM Valencia IFIC (CSIC-UV) Sevilla CNA-CSIC_UA Huelva LRF-UHU 19-10-2016 ILC-EAP
CONECTA: Coordinación Nacional Española para la Ciencia y Tecnología de Aceleradores Bilbao ESS The major objective of this group is to serve as tool to provide support to coordinate the future Spanish actions in this field in both the national and international levels Barcelona INTE-UPC ALBA-CELLS Madrid CIEMAT CMAM-UAM Valencia IFIC (CSIC-UV) Sevilla CNA-CSIC_UA Huelva LRF-UHU 19-10-2016 ILC-EAP
CONECTA: Coordinación Nacional Española para la Ciencia y Tecnología de Aceleradores Bilbao ESS Barcelona INTE-UPC ALBA-CELLS ILC Madrid CIEMAT CMAM-UAM Valencia IFIC (CSIC-UV) Sevilla CNA-CSIC_UA Huelva LRF-UHU 19-10-2016 ILC-EAP
Participation in the Development of new Accelerator Technologies for Future Colliders in Particle Physics Accelerators for FLC CIEMAT IFIC FLC: FUTURE LARGE COLILDERS including: ILC, CLIC and HL_LHC The project is divided in two subprojects carried out by two independents institutions the IFIC and the CIEMAT which are complementary and coordinated to achieve the main objectives of this project. 19-10-2016 ILC-EAP
IFIC Background and FLC Projects BPS in the TBL line of CTF3 Background and FLC Projects OTR in ATF2 H collimator in ATF2 IFIC ILC: BDS optics and instrumentation studies (OTRs) ATF2: EXT line emittance growth beam studies and instrumentation (FONT micromovers, beam size measurement and emittance reconstruction OTRs), halo control and collimation CLIC and CTF3: collimation systems studies, and instrumentation (TBL and Drive Beam BPMs, stripline kickers) The background and the achievements of the two groups in previous projects The IFIC group contribution to R&D for FLC has been mainly: -For LHC and HL-LHC. In the past the IFIC contributed to design the high-beta optics for pp total cross section and luminosity measurement this experience was useful to participate after in the development of the optics for the luminosity upgrade as well as to simulate the beam losses and collimation necessities in this new scenario. For ILC we have participated in the BDS optics and Instrumentation working group, and also we have a big implication in its facility ATF2 where we have contributed to the EXT line emittance growth beam study and leading the beam size measurement and emittance reconstruction by means of a system made it of four OTRs. -For CLIC we have participated in the study of the collimation system. In its facility CTF3 we have contributed by constructing 16 BPMs for the TBL. This experience serve us to initiate the study for the Drive Beam BPMs for CLIC 1st module. 19-10-2016 ILC-EAP
CIEMAT ILC: SC combined quads TESLA 500 Background and FLC Projects SC magnet for XFEL ML CIEMAT ILC: SC combined quads TESLA 500 XFEL: superferric magnet, phase shifter, precision movers, electronics racks CLIC and CTF3: septa magnets, stripline kickers, H/V correctors, quad movers, PETS and tanks PETS assembly The CIEMAT group has made very important contributions in: For LHC: the Ciemat constructed SC magnets and current leads The Ciemat was contributing also in the preparatory phase of the LHC Upgrade with the design of a hard radiation resistant SC corrector magnet. This technology will be used for the non-linear corrector magnets being designed now for HL-LHC (INFN magnets contribution) For ILC: the 1st Ciemat contribution was the design and construction of a combined SC magnet of type cos-theta for the predecessor of ILC: TESLA500. This experience has been profited after for the contribution in XFEL. The CIEMAT is presently delivering 104 magnet packages and furthermore it has contributed with the phase shifters, precision movers and electronic racks For the CLIC test facility: CTF3 the Ciemat has delivered three types of CR resistive magnets: two septa, two ultrafast kickers and sixteen H/V correctors and thirteen quadrupole movers. But the most significant contribution has been the PETS structures with the design and production of the 1st prototype and posterior construction of eight units in collaboration with CERN. The collaboration continues in this sense and new PETS types has being developed at CIEMAT. Besides the CIEMAT group is also contributing to others projects as IFIMIF with different types of accelerator components. 19-10-2016 ILC-EAP
CFS ILC-EAP SPAIN Technical Area Sub system IFIC CIEMAT SC 1.3 GhZ cryomodules Magnets, power supplies (green aspects) X 1.3 GHz power & distribution Cryogenic systems Electron Source Positron Source Damping Rings Instrumentation RTML Main Linac Magnets, Installation hardware BDS Instrumentation, Collimators IR Computing & Control Installation 19-10-2016 ILC-EAP
Industrial activities: Spanish embassy in Tokyo ECFA-LC in Santander The Spanish industry under the framework of INDUCIENCIA, an association for the promotion of the industries working for science, has been made a big effort in strengthening the links with Japan. Two industrial events have been organized: The results have been very useful to show the potential of the Spanish industry in big research projects, in particular the ILC 19-10-2016 ILC-EAP
Tokyo Workshop: 19-10-2016 ILC-EAP
Tokyo Workshop: 19-10-2016 ILC-EAP
Tokyo Workshop: 19-10-2016 ILC-EAP
Industrial Forum in ILCWS 2016: 19-10-2016 ILC-EAP
Industrial Forum in ILCWS 2016: 19-10-2016 ILC-EAP
The industries identified: COMPANY SUPPLY TYPE QUANTITY ALDERAN Intersection Control Rack for E-XFEL Electronics & Instrum. 1 (prot.) ANTEC Combined Magnets for E-XFEL (magnet) SC Magnet 105 SERIES Magnet for AMIT (magnet) Combined Quadrupoles for IFMIF Resistive Magnet APM Moving Tables for E-XFEL Mechanics AVS Scrapers for IFMIF 2 (prot.) BTESA RF Power Amplifier for IFMIF & AMIT cyclotron RF Power 3 (prot.) DMP-HTS 47 SERIES Buncher cavity for IFMIF Radiofrequency Phase Shifter for E-XFEL Special Magnet PETS for CLIC/CTF3 ELYTT ENERGY Magnets for the HEBT - IFMIF 6 (prot. & series) INABENSA INDEX INDRA RF Power Amplifier for IFMIF 16 (series) NOVALTI PINE 94 SERIES RAMEM SINTERSA GAZC LINAC for Racetrack Microtron SEVEN SOLUTIONS Low Level RF for IFMIF RF power TRINOS V. P. Combined Magnets for E-XFEL (vessel) Vacuum Magnet for AMIT (vessel) Cryogenics Stripline Kickers for CTF3 (CLIC) Solenoid Package for LIPAC/IFMIF Beam Position Monitors for LIPAc 4 SERIES 19-10-2016 ILC-EAP
Summary In Spain, an important effort in the R&D activities for Future colliders is being made for detectors, accelerators and physics studies This coordination is managed through a national network and coordinated projects in detectors and accelerators. It allows to have common discussions, optimize resources and find synergies All these activities has been made in close collaboration with the industry, not only concerning the transfer technology, also the future call-for-tenders during the fabrication stage of the components The Spanish industry under the framework of INDUCIENCIA, has been made a big effort in strengthening the links with Japan. The results have been very useful to show the potential of the Spanish industry in big research projects, in particular the ILC. Notice the role of the industries in this collaborations 19-10-2016 ILC-EAP
Thanks for providing material: J. Fuster L. Garcia-Tabares, F. Toral ILC-EAP