What are the structures of the sensory system: Nose? ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS What are the structures of the sensory system: Nose? 3.03 Remember the structures of the sensory system
3.03 Remember the structures of the sensory system THE SENSES Eyes Sight Ears Hearing Nose Smell Tongue Taste Skin Touch 3.03 Remember the structures of the sensory system
3.03 Remember the structures of the sensory system NOSE 3.03 Remember the structures of the sensory system
STRUCTURES OF THE NOSE Further Info with Functions Nares (nostrils) Nasal cilia Nasal septum Olfactory receptors Turbinates 3.03 Remember the structures of the sensory system
STRUCTURES OF THE NOSE Further Info with Functions 3.03 Remember the structures of the sensory system
STRUCTURES OF THE NOSE Further Info with Functions Olfactory area 3.03 Remember the structures of the sensory system
3.04 Understand the functions and disorders of the sensory system 3.04 Functions of the Nose 3.04 Understand the functions and disorders of the sensory system 8
3.04 Understand the functions of the sensory system: Nose Essential Questions What are the functions of the sensory system? 3.04 Understand the functions and disorders of the sensory system 9
Understanding the functions of the nose Smell 3.04 Understand the functions and disorders of the sensory system 10
Understanding the functions of the nose Nares (nostrils): External openings of the nose Connect to the nasal passages allowing us to inhale through our noses Used for smelling Odor-sensitive olfactory organs located inside nose to process and interpret olfactory information 11
Understanding the functions of the nose Nasal cilia: nose hairs Trap dust and other foreign particles Warms the air from rich supply of blood before entering lungs 3.04 Understand the functions and disorders of the sensory system 12
Understanding the functions of the nose Nasal septum: Similar to lane dividers on a busy highway Septum allows air we breathe to go directly from nose to back of nose to pharynx and into lungs Without the septum, the air might “get lost”, the turbulence may interfere with transit to lungs 13
Understanding the functions of the nose Olfactory receptors Expressed in cell membranes of olfactory receptor neurons are responsible for the detection of odor molecules 14
Understanding the functions of the nose Turbinates 3 functions: Warm the air Humidify the air Assist in filtering particles 15
Understanding the functions of the nose (A) Pathway of smell (B) Nerve activity in smell 3.04 Understand the functions and disorders of the sensory system 16
Understanding the functions of the nose Pathway of Smell Olfactory receptors Olfactory bulb Olfactory tract Anterior commissure Olfactory cortex 17
Smell Trivia… Perfume Did you know??? The beginnings of perfume use can be traced back thousands of years to early Egyptians. Burning of resins & woods were used for their fragrance during religious ceremonies. Perfume was developed to attract the goodwill of the gods. When Tutankhamen’s tomb was discovered, there was still a trace of the strong fragrance detected. He was buried 3,300 years ago. 18
Function of the nose: Smell Pleasant or unpleasant? 3.04 Understand the functions and disorders of the sensory system 19
Function of the nose: Smell Smell Activity What is that smell? 3.04 Understand the functions and disorders of the sensory system 20
3.04 Functions and disorders of the nose 3.04 Understand the functions and disorders of the sensory system 21
3.04 Understand the functions and disorders of the sensory system Disorders of the nose Deviated nasal septum Occurs when the thin wall (nasal septum) between your nostrils is displaced to one side, which makes one nasal passage smaller Cause: injury to nose, deviating the septum 3.04 Understand the functions and disorders of the sensory system 22
Disorders of nose: Deviated nasal septum What is its impact on health? Snoring Difficulty breathing Become mouth breather 3.04 Understand the functions and disorders of the sensory system 23
Disorders of nose: Deviated nasal septum How does a septoplasty relieve symptoms? Nasal septum is straightened and repositioned in center May require surgeon to cut and remove parts of septum before reinserting in the proper position Allows air to flow into nose straight 24
Disorders of the nose: Nasal polyps What are nasal polyps? Soft, painless, noncancerous growths on the lining of your nasal passages or sinuses They hang down like teardrops or grapes 3.04 Understand the functions and disorders of the sensory system 25
Disorders of the nose: Nasal polyps What causes nasal polyps? Result from chronic inflammation due to asthma, recurrent infections, allergies, drug sensitivity or certain immune disorders 3.04 Understand the functions and disorders of the sensory system 26
Disorders of the nose: Nasal polyps How are they treated? Medication to reduce swelling Surgery for removal 3.04 Understand the functions and disorders of the sensory system 27
Disorders of the nose: Rhinitis Define rhinitis. Rhin- -itis Inflammation of lining of nose 3.04 Understand the functions and disorders of the sensory system 28
Disorders of the nose: Rhinitis What causes rhinitis? Allergies Infection Fumes Odors Emotion drugs 3.04 Understand the functions and disorders of the sensory system 29
Disorders of the nose: Rhinitis What are the symptoms? Nasal congestion Drainage Sneezing Itching 3.04 Understand the functions and disorders of the sensory system 30
Disorders of the nose: Rhinitis What is treatment? Eliminate causes antihistamines 3.04 Understand the functions and disorders of the sensory system 31
3.04 Understand the disorders of the sensory system: Nose Essential Questions What are some disorders of the sensory system? How are sensory system disorders treated? 3.04 Understand the functions and disorders of the sensory system 32
3.04 Understand the functions and disorders of the sensory system Nose The End 3.04 Understand the functions and disorders of the sensory system 33