INFO 3: Use of ICT In The Digital World Topic 8: Development Methods (Bespoke Software & Testing Strategies/Techniques) Electronic Chapter: 9
Starter Activity: Verbal Tennis – (5 Mins) With your partner play verbal tennis using any terms you have learned over the last few weeks in Topic 7 or Topic 8 of the INFO 3 unit. Aim to write down these key terms on paper and see how many key terms each of you identified between you. Which pair has identified the most key terms?
Objectives At the end of the lesson, students should be able to: - Understand that solutions can be created by either customising an existing software package or bespoke software Explain what is a Testing Strategy, as well as explain the consequences involved if a testing strategy is not adhered too. Understand and describe the three common Testing Techniques (alpha, beta and user acceptance)
Exam Practice (5mins) During the development life cycle of an ICT system, there is a need for agreed deliverables. Give an example of an agreed deliverable during the testing stage of the SDLC. (1 mark, adapted from June 2011) Give two other examples of deliverables that are agreed during the SDLC and state which stage of the SDLC each one would be produced. (4 marks)
Assessment Objectives (Outcome) Grade E/D Standard: Be able to briefly explain the difference between customised software and bespoke software, as well as list down the advantages and disadvantages of each. Achieve more than 40% of the exam style question. Grade C/B Standard: Be able to describe what a testing strategy is, as outline the consequences if developer's don’t adhere to a testing strategy. Achieve 60% or more of the exam style question. Grade A Standard: Be able to describe in detail the differences between alpha, beta and user acceptance, as well as identify the advantages/disadvantages of each. Achieve 80% or more in the exam style questions.
Activity 1 – Creating the Solution – Notes & Paired Work (10 Mins) There are two ways that a developer can create the solution for the client either: CUSTOMISE an existing package like a spreadsheet, database etc. or CONSTRUCT the solution by creating it from scratch by using a programming language like VB.Net, Delphi etc. Each method of creating the solution has its advantages and disadvantages. With your partner come up with as many advantages and disadvantages of each method. Write your findings down in your notes. Answers to be briefly collated and discussed as a group.
Activity 2 – What is a Testing Strategy? Notes (5 Mins) Make some notes…
Activity 3 – Testing Techniques (5 minutes) There are a range of testing techniques developers use when testing newly developed software. Using the internet and electronic textbook, how many testing techniques can you identify? List these techniques down on your worksheet/notes – we will look at these more closely next lesson.
Activity 4 – Common Testing Techniques (3 minutes) There are three common testing techniques that are often used when testing newly developed software extensively. These are: ALPHA BETA USER ACCEPTANCE Independently work through the Who Am I? Worksheet, reading the descriptions clearly and identifying which test relates to which description.
Summary (5 minutes) Using the sticky notes provided, write down what a test strategy is. Define it. Now match up the definition with the correct keyword… Testing Technique Descriptions Alpha This is tested by a number of perspective customers within the general public Beta This is tested by the customer buying the software to ensure it meets their requirements. Acceptance This is tested by a small number or audience of people within the software development organisation
Exam Practice (5 mins) During the development life cycle of an ICT system, there is a need for agreed deliverables. Give an example of an agreed deliverable during the testing stage of the SDLC. (1 mark, adapted from June 2011) Give two other examples of deliverables that are agreed during the SDLC and state which stage of the SDLC each one would be produced. (4 marks)
Assessment Objectives (Outcome) Grade E/D Standard: Be able to briefly explain the difference between customised software and bespoke software, as well as list down the advantages and disadvantages of each. Achieve more than 40% of the exam style question. Grade C/B Standard: Be able to describe what a testing strategy is, as outline the consequences if developer's don’t adhere to a testing strategy. Achieve 60% or more of the exam style question. Grade A Standard: Be able to describe in detail the differences between alpha, beta and user acceptance, as well as identify the advantages/disadvantages of each. Achieve 80% or more in the exam style questions.
Objectives At the end of the lesson, students should be able to: - Understand that solutions can be created by either customising an existing software package or bespoke software Explain what is a Testing Strategy, as well as explain the consequences involved if a testing strategy is not adhered too. Understand and describe the three common Testing Techniques (alpha, beta and user acceptance)
Topic 8 Tasks Open the Task sheet “Topic 8: Development Methods (Testing)” worksheet up from Moodle and complete all tasks outlined. Anything you do not complete in lesson, is to be completed as part of your homework. Ask your teacher for a copy of the answers for the exam style questions to self assess your own answers
Topic 8 Homework This homework must be brought to your next INFO 3 theory lesson. For homework, conduct some research into the following testing techniques, For each testing technique, provide a brief description of what it is and at least 1 advantage and 1 disadvantage of each. Test harness Volume Testing Scalability Testing Prototyping Multiplatform Testing Simulated Environments White box Black box Alpha Testing Beta Testing