BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRICT PROFILE 2006-2007 BUDGET AWARDS AND DISTINCTIONS Business First – Top 50 school district in WNY High Performing/Gap Closing Batavia High School Jackson Elementary School
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRICT PROFILE 2006-2007 BUDGET NOTEWORTHY SUCCESSES Since 2002-03 4th Grade ELA = +20% 8th Grade ELA = +10% 2004-05 Math Assessment Mastery 4th Grade 83% 8th Grade 73% 2004-05 Social Studies Mastery 8th Grade +30% from 2003-04 11th Grade ELA Regents = +10% since 2000-01
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRICT PROFILE 2006-2007 BUDGET NOTEWORTHY SUCCESSES Since 2002-03 Math A Regents Exam =+32% Regents Chemistry = +33% Class of 2005 – 164 graduates 31 National Honor Society 150 Higher Education 72 (four year college) 78 (two year schools) 5 military service 160 Regents Diplomas (4 with Honors) 64 Advanced Regents Diplomas (25 with Honors)
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRICT PROFILE 2006-2007 BUDGET NOTEWORTHY SUCCESSES Scholar Athlete Teams (2004-05) 20 out of 26 GCC Students 144 Students 704 Credit Hours Cost at GCC - $84,500 Cost at Private College - $704,000
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRICT PROFILE 2006-2007 BUDGET STUDENT INFORMATION Enrollment: 2,449 Average Class Size: Kindergarten 20 Grades 1 – 5 18 Grades 6 – 12 21
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 2006-2007 BUDGET January 10, 2006 Expense Estimate $36,877,045 or +$2,053,278 or +5.90% Revenue Estimate $18,051,839 or +299,376 or +1.69% Fund Balance $500,000 or $0 or 0% Tax Levy Estimate $18,325,206 or +$1,753,902 or +10.58%
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 2006-2007 BUDGET February 7, 2006 Expense Estimate $36,687,045 or +$1,863,278 or +5.35% Revenue Estimate $18,051,839 or +299,376 or +1.69% Fund Balance $500,000 or $0 or 0% Tax Levy Estimate $18,135,206 or +$1,563,902 or +9.44%
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 2006-2007 BUDGET February 21, 2006 Expense Estimate $36,616,045 or +$1,792,278 or +5.15% Revenue Estimate $18,051,839 or +299,376 or +1.69% Fund Balance $500,000 or $0 or 0% Tax Levy Estimate $18,064,206 or +$1,492,902 or +9.01%
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 2006-2007 BUDGET REDUCTIONS - ELEMENTARY SECTIONS Three sections (1 each elementary) via attrition $ 150,000 Schedule C $ 8,000
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 2006-2007 BUDGET March 7, 2006 Expense Estimate $36,458,045 or +$1,634,278 or +4.69% Revenue Estimate $18,051,839 or +299,376 or +1.69% Fund Balance $500,000 or $0 or 0% Tax Levy Estimate $17,906,206 or +$1,334,902 or +8.06%
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 2006-2007 BUDGET FINAL EXPENDITURE REVIEW Contract Transportation $ 38,000 Teacher Aide hours $ 15,000 Contractual Special Education $ 50,000 BOCES Special Education $ 22,000 Supplies $ 9,000 Additional Retirements $ 110,000
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 2006-2007 BUDGET March 21, 2006 Expense Estimate $36,214,045 or +$1,390,278 or +3.99% Revenue Estimate $18,051,839 or +299,376 or +1.69% Fund Balance $500,000 or $0 or 0% Tax Levy Estimate $17,662,206 or +$1,090,902 or +6.58%
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 2006-2007 BUDGET April 4, 2006 Expense Estimate $36,214,045 or +$1,390,278 or +3.99% Revenue Estimate $18,401,839 or +649,376 or +3.66% Fund Balance $500,000 or $0 or 0% Tax Levy Estimate $17,312,206 or +$740,902 or +4.47%
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 2006-2007 BUDGET Expense 2005-2006 2006-2007 Salaries 19,938,479 19,904,110 Equipment 160,502 160,493 Contractual 1,896,832 2,207,064 Supplies 430,909 467,490 State Aided 314,024 308,523 Tuition 350,000 349,080 BOCES 3,477,656 3,990,667 Transportation 805,942 874,744
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 2006-2007 BUDGET Expense 2005-2006 2006-2007 Fringe Benefits 6,854,423 7,356,874 Debt Service Interfund Transfers 340,000 Reserve for Uncollected Taxes 255,000 Total Expenses 34,823,767 36,214,045 Budget Increase $1,390,278 or 3.99% Contingency Budget – 4.00%
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 2006-2007 BUDGET Revenues 2005-2006 2006-2007 Real Property Tax Items 965,000 705,100 Non Property Taxes 825,000 900,000 Charges for Services 54,000 82,000 Use of Money/Property Interest 140,000 200,000 - BOCES Rentals 100,000 - Other Rentals 10,000 Sale of Property 1,500 Miscellaneous (Refunds) 225,000
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 2006-2007 BUDGET Revenues 2005-2006 2006-2007 State Aid – Operating 12,789,493 13,330,015 State Aid – BOCES 1,443,816 1,697,267 State Aid – Other Categorical 938,654 908,957 Federal Aid 260,000 Fund Balance 500,000 Property Tax Levy 16,571,304 17,312,206 Total Revenues 34,823,767 36,214,045 Tax Levy Increase $740,902 or 4.47%
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 2006-2007 BUDGET Tax Levy/True Value (TV) Rate Information Year Levy % City TV Rate City TV % 2006-07 4.47 2005-06 5.58 23.50 (1.34) 2004-05 5.94 23.82 2.23 2003-04 5.95 23.30 5.05 2002-03 8.04 22.28 8.09 2001-02 6.15 20.52 6.88 5 year ave 6.33 4.18 10 year ave 3.61 1.98
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 2006-2007 BUDGET Tax Levy/True Value (TV) Rate Information Tax Rate Not Estimated at this time because: - Incomplete assessment figures from assessor - Equalization rates not known until July - State aid in NYS Budget are estimates. Actual numbers not available until September (hopefully) - Staff retirements and other cost savings that can be realized between now and September when the Board of Education establishes the tax warrant
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 2006-2007 BUDGET Budget Increases - $ 2006-07 1,390,278 2005-06 520,989 2004-05 1,241,892 2003-04 926,787 Four Year Average 1,019,987 Budget Increases - % 2006-07 3.99 2005-06 1.52 2004-05 3.76 2003-04 2.88 Four Year Average 3.04
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 2006-2007 BUDGET STAR REBATE – Basic 90,000 Home 2005-06 Tax 2,115 STAR (705) Net 2005-06 Tax 1,410 NYS BUDGET STAR REBATE – Basic 90,000 Home 2006-07 Tax 2,210 STAR (737) Net 2005-06 Tax 1,473 NYS Rebate (221) Final School Tax 1,252 Taxpayer Savings 158
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 2006-2007 BUDGET STAR REBATE – Enhanced 90,000 Home 2005-06 Tax 2,115 STAR (1,175) Net 2005-06 Tax 940 NYS BUDGET STAR REBATE – Enhanced 90,000 Home 2006-07 Tax 2,210 STAR (1,228) Net 2005-06 Tax 982 NYS Rebate (368) Final School Tax 614 Taxpayer Savings 326
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 2006-2007 BUDGET NYS Budget – Rebate Checks $ 1,113,443 based on 30% of 2005-06 STAR If distributed to School District: Tax Levy ($372,541) or (2.25%)
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT PROPOSED EX-OFFICIO STUDENT BOE MAY 16, 2006 NYS Approved in 2003 – Student representative/nonvoting member of BOE BOE Approved in December 2003 Voter Approved in May 2004 Effective for 2 years – need to reauthorize in order to continue placement at BOE
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT VOTE: MAY 16, 2006 THREE ITEMS TO CONSIDER #1 – Three Board of Education Seats One (1) at 3 years 45 days (term commences 5/17/06) Two (2) at 3 years (each term commences 7/1/06) #2 – 2006-2007 Budget #3 – Student Ex-Officio BOE Member
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION/BUDGET/PROPOSITION VOTE: TUESDAY MAY 16, 2006 (NOON TO 9:00 PM) VOTING LOCATIONS - Jackson Elementary School 411 South Jackson Street - Robert Morris Elementary School 80 Union Street - Batavia Middle School 96 Ross Street
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION/BUDGET/PROPOSITION VOTE: TUESDAY MAY 16, 2006 (NOON TO 9:00 PM) NOTES: Must be a resident of Batavia City School District and a registered voter If you are not familiar with your voting location please call 343-2480 extension 1002 or 1003