CH 12: Healing Pathway Analysis Brady Bradshaw Aaron Odom 4/18/2016
Introduce the Event and the Participants Highlight importance of healing pathway and the benefits of improving it Review the team charter to get everyone on the same page for team’s objectives and desired outcomes Maybe even conduct an icebreaker or an opener to help facilitate team introductions
Conduct Appropriate Training Consider introducing some of the following topics: Value added vs Non-value added definitions The eight wastes Eight impediments to healing “Flow” and “pull” systems Team roles Executive sponsor Facilitator Timekeeper Review and commit to team ground rules Previously set by organization Brady Bradshaw and Aaron Odom: Healing Pathway Analysis ETM 528 Spring 2016
Develop the SIPOC Diagram SIPOC stands for suppliers-inputs-processes-outputs- customers It helps participants to gain high-level understanding of all relevant elements that are being considered for the improvement process Brady Bradshaw and Aaron Odom: Healing Pathway Analysis ETM 528 Spring 2016
Define Value and Expected Outcome Who is the primary customer? What is the value added? What value is the customer willing to pay for? What are the key outcome measures that the team will use to measure success? Brady Bradshaw and Aaron Odom: Healing Pathway Analysis ETM 528 Spring 2016
Set Up the Map Purpose of this step is to add sufficient clarity to the overall process so that the team can conduct initial process exploration A simplified version of the high-level process you have identified in the SIPOC Diagram is a good starting point Brady Bradshaw and Aaron Odom: Healing Pathway Analysis ETM 528 Spring 2016
Walk the Process and Collect Data Observe the value stream in action. Communicate with workers as you go through the process. Ask what problems they have. Collect UNBIASED data. Any process has three parts: What you think it is What it actually is What it should be Identify activities that have wait times. Brady Bradshaw and Aaron Odom: Healing Pathway Analysis ETM 528 Spring 2016
Develop the Current State Value Stream Map Complete the map in two phases: First, use adhesive notes that can be rearranged easily. Have employees be involved and separate into groups: value-adding activities, non-value-adding activities, and non-value-adding but required activities. Then finalize the map. Brady Bradshaw and Aaron Odom: Healing Pathway Analysis ETM 528 Spring 2016
Develop Visual Maps Create illustrations that enable the team to clearly visualize the flow of people or information through the process This may include spaghetti diagrams, circle diagrams, or inventory control maps. Brady Bradshaw and Aaron Odom: Healing Pathway Analysis ETM 528 Spring 2016
Conduct a Waste Walk Walk through the process again, this time looking for the 8 wastes. Write observations on index cards. Then stick all index cards on the wall for analysis and discussion. Brady Bradshaw and Aaron Odom: Healing Pathway Analysis ETM 528 Spring 2016
Conduct a Healing Impediments Walk Stress and Anxiety Inactivity and Waiting Coldness or Apathy Knowledge Gap Neglect Embarrassment Submission and Helplessness Statistic Look for evidence of the 8 impediments to healing. Brady Bradshaw and Aaron Odom: Healing Pathway Analysis ETM 528 Spring 2016
Glossary Healing Pathway- a value stream through which patients flow Circle Diagram- a diagram similar to spaghetti chart for identifying unnecessary processing Brady Bradshaw and Aaron Odom: Healing Pathway Analysis ETM 528 Spring 2016
References Brady Bradshaw and Aaron Odom: Healing Pathway Analysis ETM 528 Spring 2016