SANTA ROSA COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD Procurement Card (PCard) TRAINING FOR ALL PCARD USERS Presented by: PCARD Program Administrator Purchasing Department
PCARD INFORMATION Santa Rosa County School Board PCard is to be used for all small purchases under $2,500.00 Except if the vendor doesn’t accept credit cards or they charge a transaction fee to the user School or Department Administrators approve individual employees that are to be issued a PCard Card limits are established at $2,500.00 single transaction and $15,000.00 monthly limits. Only an Administrator’s cards will be increased to a level that accommodates a single purchase ≥ $20,000.00
PCARD INFORMATION cont… There are two types of cards: Visa Card To be used when expending School Based Budget Funds MasterCard To be used when expending Federal Grant Funds This card is NOT for personal use. To avoid doing so and protect the card: Place the card in it’s sleeve and Store it away from your personal credit/debit cards.
USING THE PCARD To use a School Board PCard which is in your name you must: Complete and provide certificate of the PCard Training to the School/Department Administrator Read and sign a Cardholder Agreement Form Read and sign a PCard Procurement Tip Sheet You may keep the PCard with your name safely in your possession at the discretion of your School or Department Administrator All receipts must be turned into the Bookkeeper or Secretary the next working day after the purchase Do not pass your card on to another person to use Carry a tax exemption form whenever you’re making purchase on behalf of the School District (form is located at: s_Tax_Exemption_2022.pdf)
USING THE PCARD cont… Review your receipt before leaving the vendor If taxes have been applied, request credit to be applied to the PCard. NEVER accept cash as the credit Do not use a PCard issued in another persons name, contact Purchasing for exceptions Software and online support products must be approved by the Software Approval Committee prior to purchase Splitting a purchase >$2500 into smaller transactions is not authorized
Convenience Checks Only available for Visa cards Assigned to an individual PCard account (usually the Bookkeeper/Secretary) Used for: Purchases <$2500.00 Vendor only accepts checks Vendors without a School District issued vendor number There will be a transaction fee – 3% (min of $3.00 and max of $30.00)
Convenience Checks Complete the Convenience Check Requisition Form and send it to the Purchasing Dept with all applicable documentation When the School/Dept receive the check, it MUST be signed by both the Cardholder and an Administrator prior to sending it to the vendor Scan and send a copy of the signed check to the Purchasing Dept Refunds – copy the refund check and all accompanying paperwork and retain for records Sign the refund check (whose name is on it) and send to the Finance Dept with a completed Budget Amendment Form with a note describing the need for the amendment Send a copy of the refund and all paperwork to the Purchasing Dept
Increasing Card Limits Only an Administrator’s cards will be increased to a level that accommodates a single purchase ≥ $20,000.00 The Administrator must contact the Purchasing Department by e-mail with the following information: Last four numbers of the P-Card Name of Cardholder Name of Company or Vendor purchase is being made from Description of what is being purchased Total amount of the purchase Dates the purchase will be made List of what accounts the Cardholder has access to (i.e. School Based Budget Visa, School Based Budget MasterCard, Internal Funds account and Internal Funds Visa)
Increasing Card Limits Purchasing Department will coordinate with the Finance Department Internal Funds to confirm that the individual (except for Administrators) does NOT have the ability to make a purchase greater than $20,000.00. Once completed, Purchasing Department will initiate an override with SunTrust and notify the requestor by e- mail. The purchase must be made within the time frame submitted. The Bookkeeper/Secretary must notify the Purchasing Department when the transaction has posted to the cardholder’s SunTrust account.
WHAT CAN BE PURCHASED Allowable: Not Allowable Alcohol Tobacco Books Software Postage Repair parts Small equipment Office supplies Travel expenses other than food except for student meals Alcohol Tobacco Cash Advance Entertainment Food except for student meals Personal use items and services
TRAVEL TIPS When renting a vehicle, use the PCard for both the rental of the vehicle and fuel When using your personal vehicle, you must use your personal card and then submit for reimbursement from the School District When making hotel reservations, fax a copy of the tax exempt form to the hotel and carry a copy with you Never purchase food with your PCard unless it’s been pre-approved for students during a trip Return receipts to the Bookkeeper/Secretary immediately upon return from your trip
CARDHOLDER RESPONSIBILITIES Lost or Stolen card YOU are responsible to: Call 1-800-836-8562 to report that it is lost or stolen Notify your School or Department Bookkeeper or Secretary immediately Follow appropriate state laws and guidelines found on the Tip Sheet, Cardholder Agreement Form and this presentation when making purchases Cardholder misuse or abuse of the PCard are subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment If at any time during the calendar year that the Cardholder has the ability though any combination of School Based Budget PCard(s) (Visa and MasterCard) and Internal Funds Accounts to make a purchase greater than $20,000.00, they are subject to submitting a Financial Disclosure Statement with the State Commission on Ethics through the local Supervisor of Elections
Purchasing Department 6544 Firehouse Rd Milton, FL 32570 (850) 983-5130