First Week of Advent (Cycle C ) Primary Prayer Service Justice First Week of Advent (Cycle C ) Primary Prayer Service
Opening Song Advent Wreath Song
Blessing and the Lighting of the Advent Wreath Let us begin in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Sprit . . . Amen. Dear God, as we light the hope candle, bless this wreath and help us to remember that we are waiting for the birth of Jesus. Help us also to prepare our hearts by loving God and others. Amen.
Introduction In today’s reading, we hear that God makes a promise to send a king that will make sure that everyone will be safe and able to live in peace.
Opening Prayer Loving God, You have blessed us with a safe school community. Help us to follow your Son Jesus by working together to make sure that all people are loved as friends. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Scripture A reading from the book of Jeremiah (Jer. 33: 14-16) The Word of the Lord. All: Thanks be to God
Reflection In this reading, we hear that God made a promise to the people. God chose a king to help the people. The king God chose was Jesus. Jesus helped all people by treating them like friends. Jesus asked his friends and he asks us to keep making sure that everyone is treated like a friend. If we treat people like friends than we will have safe, peaceful and loving communities.
Prayer of the Faithful For the Church, may is continue to invite all people to treat everyone with kindness and love…R For the world, may we keep working for peace in all communities…R For those who feel unloved, may God help them to see that he loves us all…R
Prayer of the Faithful For our school community, may we always work to make sure that people feel safe and loved…R For us, that we will use the ways of Jesus to look after our friends and their needs…R
The Lord’s Prayer Our Father . . .
Closing Prayer Loving God, your Son Jesus showed us the way to treat others. Open our eyes to see the needs of people around us. Help us to do what we can to make school a happy place for them. We ask this through your Son, Jesus. All: Amen. And may Almighty God bless us in the name of the Father and of the Son . . .
Closing Song Light the Advent Candle