Aquila(Eagle) Constellation By Justin Richmond World Dynamics 1 November 24,2009
Legend of Aquila The legend of Aquila differs from culture to culture The eagle is sometimes identified as a servant of Zeus. The eagle was keeper of the thunder bolts Zeus's weapon Other legends say that Zeus used the disguse of a eagle to seduce Aegina, daughter of the river-god Asopus In another legend carrying off the beautiful youth Ganymede, son of King Tros (Of Troy). To serve as the cup bearer of the gods
Legends (continued) The mythologizes of China, Japan, and Korea That it tells the story of a Royal herdsman who falls in love with the kings daughter, but its not in the shape of a eagle rather they say its the shape of the herdsman and his oxen. Also known as the messenger from heaven, leading souls to immortality.
Where is Aquila located? Aquila is visible in the northern hemisphere from July thru October and part of the summer triangle
Citations Miles, K. (2008). Aquila. Retrieved November 23, 2009, from (2009, November 23). Aquila. Retrieved November 23, 2009, from Wikipedia: (2008, August 1). Aquila. Retrieved November 23, 2009, from Nasa: