Welcome to Year 11 Parents evening on revision
Important Dates Subject evenings Napier/Trenchard Colleges 9th November Henning Stratford Colleges 16th November
Important Dates Revision fortnight in school 20th November Mock exams week starting 4th December Core mock exams March 2018 Exams start around 14th May
Students who know more do better in exams Why Revise? Students who know more do better in exams
Why Revise? Students who know more do better in exams Students who revise know more than those who don’t
Why Revise? Students who know more do better in exams Students who revise know more than those who don’t Students who know how to revise do it more effectively
Your son or daughter might tell you “It’s too early to start yet” “It’s too late to start now”
Your son or daughter might tell you “It’s too early to start yet” “It’s too late to start now” “No-one else has started revising” “Revision is boring. It’s just staring at a book”
Your son or daughter might tell you “It’s too early to start yet” “It’s too late to start now” “No-one else has started revising” “Revision is boring. It’s just staring at a book” “I can revise and listen to music or watch the television” “All I can do is my best, I don’t need to revise” “I’ve done loads/no revision”
Help them be organised in their work Where will they revise? or Help them be organised in their work
Get away from distractions!
Students need to plan their revision What works best ?
Available from departments Revision techniques Revision Guides Available from departments Past Paper questions www.fastpastpapers.com
Four Revision techniques for you to try
Using Technology for Revision
Using Technology for Revision Highly useful but can be a minefield of distractions. Stick to known websites, don’t aimlessly search. Always add GCSE to any search terms. Extreme discipline/supervision needed if using YouTube. Use technology to provide something different. Limit screen time. Never just revise online. NEVER bring technology into an exam.
My Golden rule for revision is: If you have nothing to show at the end of your revision session, it wasn’t worth doing!
Key Word Cards/Flash Cards
Mindmaps These can be an effective way to summarise whole topics or themes for example “Photosynthesis” or “Characters in An Inspector Calls”. Top Tips: One central idea 5 or 6 branches Split into sub-points Single words or short phrases. Use colour and images. Make links.
Condensing Text Postcards A4 Pages Diagrams This forces you to think about the relative importance of the points you are dealing with. To condense information you have to decide what is important and what can be left out. It leaves a manageable chunk of information for you to revise and test yourself on!