WEST DOWN SCHOOL NEWSLETTER October 2017 PTFA News Willow Class wild Night Out The year started out fantastically for Willow Class with a camping trip to Watermouth Cove. The children enjoyed swimming in the rain in the outdoor pool then warmed up by an open fire on the beach where they toasted marsh mallows on the fire. All of the children were very well behaved and a good time was has by all despite the wet weather! Oak Class Wild Night Out Oak and Elderberry Classes enjoyed a fantastic, if somewhat wet, Wild Night Out at the beginning of term. After arriving on the Thursday morning, both classes headed straight into their activities. There was a visit to Pet-O-Rama and a fun filled swimming session at the pool. Later on we went on a short hike and played various games while dinner was being cooked over the open fire. Then as darkness settled we set out on a night hike into the forest using our senses and allowing our eyes to adjust to the darkness. There was just time for a quick hot chocolate and snack before everyone settled into their tents for some rest. Early the next morning we arose to torrential rain. It was waterproofs on and all hands on deck to get camp taken down and tidied away. It took nearly a week to dry out all the tents, but fortunately the children dried out much quicker! We're hoping that next year our Wild Night Out will be just as much fun, but a little bit drier! Bideford Fire Service Safety Talk Year’s 1, 2, 5 and 6 were visited by Devon and Somerset Fire Service. They spoke to the children about fire safety, including how to plan an escape route, fireworks, how to test smoke alarms and lots more. Harvest Festival This years Harvest Festival was a delight. All of the children sang beautifully and our older children entertained the crowd by playing the Ukulele. Thank you to everyone that came along and for all of your food donations. Oak Class Big Bang Science Event Oak and Elderberry Classes had a fantastic time at ‘The Big Bang’ a few weeks ago. The event was a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) event, designed to engage and inspire children to get involved in the STEM subjects and hopefully careers. The day was packed with interactive workshops discovering CSI techniques, how the human body works and a scientific magic show. There were even local manufacturers on hand to explain their trades and show the children examples of how STEM subjects are applied to day to day life an manufacturing. Year 4 Tarka Tennis Tournament Year 4 children took part in the Tarka Tennis Tournament in Barnstaple. The children played extremely well and showed great sportsmanship throughout the tournament. Well done! Whole School Parent Meeting Thank you to all that came along to our Whole School Parent Meetings, there was a wonderful turnout at both. PTFA News We raised over £1500 for Cancer Research from our sponsored fun run on the village field. Well done to all of the children! Thank you to Rosie Smith and Emily Adams for organising the event. A brilliant £52.80 was raised for MacMillan Cancer from our Coffee Morning. Thank you to Carole Henderson for organising the event. A massive thank you to everyone who donated! Thank you to everyone who came to our Summer Fayre, it was a wonderful turn out. Thank you to everyone who helped. ParentMail News Parents' Meetings - Sign-up for appointments will now be on ParentMail rather than on paper. You will be able to access the appointment lists on ParentMail from Wednesday 8th November onwards. E-Mails – After the half term break we will be using ParentMail to send out e-mails. Please ensure all of your details are up to date on your ParentMail account, if you have any queries or problems please see Jenny in the school office. Thank you. Important News Deputy Head Teacher - For those who were unable to attend the Parent Information Meetings, we would like to congratulate Mrs Faye Poynter in becoming West Berry Federations’ Deputy Head Teacher! Flu Vaccinations - These will take place at school for Reception to Year 4 children on Thursday 16th November Swimming - Please note that swimming will start on Monday January 8th 2018 Menu - Please find attached our new school menu E-SAFETY Parents! Find advice and reviews about video games and movies at: www.commonsensemedia.org Be informed about what your child is viewing. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Monday 6th November Back to School Tuesday 14th November Year 6 Friendship Day Thursday 16th November Flu Vaccinations R – Year 4 Mon 20th - Fri 24th November Parent Teacher Meetings Thursday 30th November Year 6 Senior Dudes Tuesday 5th December PTFA Christmas Fayre Thursday 7th December Cherry & Maple Class Nativity Friday 8th December School Disco Thursday 14th December Christmas Dinner PTFA Christmas Movie Night Monday 18th December West Down Village Walk About Nativity evening Tuesday 19th December Last Day of School Wednesday 3rd January Back to School Monday 8th January Swimming R-Yr 6 Friday 9th February Last day of School Monday 19th February Back to School Thursday 29th March Last day of School Monday 16th April Back to School Friday 25th May Last day of School Thursday 7th May Back to School After School Clubs Maths Club – Every Tuesday 3.15 – 4.15pm No charge Year 5 and 6 Christmas Club – This club runs for 4 weeks £2.50 per child, 13th, 20th and 27th November and 4th December. Fun Fitness Club – This club will run for 6 weeks, starting Wed 8th November. £15 made payable to Emily Adams on the first week of the club. Football Club – Dates to be confirmed in the new term. Poppy Appeal Merchandise will be available to purchase from school after the half term break. DINNER MONEY – Please ensure your child’s dinner money is up to date over the holiday. If you are having issues with ParentMail please bring cash to the office. Thank you! Have a wonderful half term break!