Or check Aberdeenshire School Closures website NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER Dates To Remember: Wednesday 1st November Adventure, Service, Challenge launch night – 7pm at school (P4-7 parents) Mon 13th / Tue 14th November – In service days – pupils not in school. Friday 17th November – Pupil Profiles out. Tuesday 21st November – flu vaccination Scholastics Book Fair arrives in school Wednesday 22nd November – book day / book disco Thursday 23rd November – Johnshaven School Christmas Fair Friday 1st December – St Andrews Café Saturday 2nd December – Christmas Service at Benholm Kirk Thursday 14th December - Christmas Show Thursday 14th December – Christmas Lunch Tuesday 19th December – Whole School Panto Trip to HMT Aberdeen. Friday 22nd December – Christmas Party Dear Parents/Carers Welcome back to term 2. We hope you had a relaxing holiday, making the best of the lovely Autumn Weather. Many thanks to those of you who sent in photographs for the Extreme Reading Competition. So many interesting photos of children finding challenging places to read over the holidays. We will be presenting prizes at assembly on Monday 6th November. Photos will be displayed in the school library, on the TV in the entrance hall and in the next newsletter. If you have not sent your photos in there is still time to do so. This term we will be focusing very much on presentation skills, particularly with a focus on talking and listening, drama and music, as we prepare to take part in a variety of community events and our Christmas Show. We would value the support of our parents and carers to encourage the children to practice lines, readings and songs at home as the term progresses. Over the holiday our school website has been updated and populated with lots of information and guidance. This will be where we place any Home Learning resources such as web links and strategies to try at home. Please do visit the website to familiarise yourself with it. Adverse Weather Information: Do not call school. Tel: 08700544999 Pin number: 021910 Or check Aberdeenshire School Closures website
Curriculum Development Rights Respecting School Award As we work towards the Bronz Award (Record of Commitment) – as a Rights Respecting School we are looking at the school vision. The children, led by Mr Ness, will be revising this and we will update al parents and carers when this is completed. Our whole school charter is displayed at the front of school. Home Learning Now that your child has set their own learning targets they will be recorded in a Personal Learning Targets Log and kept in their home learning bag. At home, learning might focus around the targets set and we will be issuing resources and materials to support parents and carers with their children’s learning. We will also model how to support your child during the Welcome In Wednesday sessions. Next Wednesday we will focus on addition. Adventure Service Challenge Many thanks to the parents who attended the Adventure Service Challenge launch night. A leaflet with accompanying programme will be issued with the newsletter. Clubs Home Learning Club will start next Wednesday 8th November and will run from 3.15pm – 4.20pm. Should you wish your child to attend please complete the tear off slip at the foot of the newsletter. Duncan Lyle – Head of Senior School at Lathallan School is running a community chess club which runs from 2.30pm until 4.30pm on a Friday. There is an accompanying letter detailing this club. Clubs Monday - Chess Club 3.15pm-4.15pm Wednesday - Home Learning Club 3.15- 4.15pm Thursday - Netball Club 5.30 – 6.30pm at Lathallan School This club is for girls in P5, P6, P7 fionahowie@lathallan.org Friday - Good news Club 3.15 – 4.15pm Community Chess at Heritage Centre – 2.30pm – 4.30pm Remembrance Service Children will be reciting poetry, Mr Ness will be playing his coronet and we will lay a wreath to remember those local men who gave their life to defend their country. We hope as many of our families come to support this important service at the cenotaph. Christmas Service On Saturday 2nd December the whole school will be singing Christmas Carols at the Benholm Kirk Christmas Service. I will confirm the time of the service as soon as I have the information. Christmas Show The children will be performing in ‘Santa’s on Strike, in the Village Hall, on Thursday 14th December. We are very excited about our production which we will start working on next week! Lots of songs and lines to remember so please do try to support your child with this at home to promote confidence and performance skills.
Home Learning Club Pupil Name: _______________________________________ My child will attend weekly unless club is cancelled because of staff absence due to illness or training. I accept that if my child demonstrates an unacceptable standard of behaviour, they may be asked not to return to club. Signed (Parent/Carer) ___________________ Date: ___________