Les articles définis Definite articles
Le, la, l’, les... The French definite article corresponds to "the" in English. There are four forms of the French definite article: le masculine singular la feminine singular l' masculine or feminine in front of a vowel or h muet les masculine or feminine plural
more Which definite article to use depends on three things: the noun's gender, number, and first letter: If the noun is plural, use les If it's a singular noun starting with a vowel or h muet, use l' If it's singular and starts with a consonant or h aspiré, use le for a masculine noun and la for a feminine noun
Meaning and usage of the French definite article The definite article indicates a specific noun. J’aime le champagne (m) j’aime la limonade (f) je déteste les tomates (pl)
Enfin... Tip: When learning new vocabulary, make your vocabulary lists with a definite or indefinite article for each noun. This will help you learn the gender of each noun along with the word itself, which is important because the articles change to agree with the gender of the noun.
le,la,l’ ou les? 80% of French words ending with an “e” is feminine Which means you will need to learn 20% of French words that are exception to the rule le coca, l’ orangina, le jus, les apéritifs la limonade, la bière, la bouteille de vin Exception! l’eau (f) la pression (f) Le verre de vin (m)