Topic: Evaluating Nixon and the Foreign Policy of Detente Do Now: “America will bear any burden in the defense of the Free World”. –JFK “America cannot conceive all the plans, design all the programs…and undertake all the defense of the free nations of the world”. –Nixon Compare and Contrast the two statements.
Nixon and Vietnam “Peace w/ Honor Plan” Vietnamization policy (The “Nixon Doctrine”) Bombing Cambodia (Ho Chi Minh Trail) and Laos Student riots continue: Kent State “Massacre” (1970) 26 Amendment- voting age lowered The “Pentagon Papers” Vietnam cease-fire 1973, South Vietnam falls in 1975 War Powers Act Lasting effects of Vietnam
The Era of Detente Nixon looks to create “friendlier” relations w/ communist nations Advised by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger Sino-Russian split (1960s) Nixon opens up secret negotiations with China 1972: Nixon is the 1st President to visit China “One China” policy Nixon meets with Mao, agree on trading and cultural exchanges
Nixon and the USSR The USSR was afraid of a US-China alliance USSR begins negotiations with US Nixon then visits the USSR Talks with Premier Leonid Brezhnev SALT agreements (Carter) Détente lasts until 1979 (USSR invades Afghanistan)
Conclusion How does Nixon’s Détente compare with previous Cold War foreign policy initiatives? (Explain in 2-3 sentences). Then, turn to a partner and discuss your answers.