3rd form School 667 Saint-Petersburg Teacher: Trubitsina T. SHOPPING IN BRITAIN 3rd form School 667 Saint-Petersburg Teacher: Trubitsina T.
What are we going to do at the lesson today?
What can we buy at the newsagent’s?
Dialogue 1- At the newsagent’s Customer Hello! Shop Assistant Hello! Can I help you? Yes, please. I would like to buy some souvenirs. Shop Ass. Oh, great! We’ve got a lot of them! Can I have a look? Yes, here they are: postcards, envelopes, magazines, toys. I would like a toy bear, please. Here you are. How much is it? 1 pound. Thank you very much. Good bye.
Dialogue 2 – At the newsagent’s Customer Hello! Shop Ass. Hello! Can I help you? Yes, please. I would like to buy some souvenirs. Oh, great! We’ve got a lot of them! Can I have a look? Yes, here they are: postcards, envelopes, exercise-books, pens, pencils, magazines toys. I would like an envelope and a toy camel, please. Here you are. How much are they? Two pounds, please. Thank you very much. Good bye.
Dialogue 3 – At the greengrocer’s Customer Hello! Shop Ass. Hello! Can I help you? Yes, please. I would like to buy some fruit and vegetables. Oh, great! We’ve got a lot of them! Can I have a look? Yes, here they are: apples, oranges, pears, potatoes, cabbages, watermelons. I would like an aubergine and two bananas, please. Here you are. How much are they? 10 pence each. Thank you very much. Good bye.