Alex Standish UCL Institute of Education Developing the Curriculum for Secondary Geography Initial Teacher Education Alex Standish UCL Institute of Education
Secondary Geography PGCE/Schools Direct Aims of education/geography Curriculum How children learn Pedagogy Assessment
1. Aims What is education/what is its purpose? Intrinsic/extrinsic aims What are the different philosophies of education and from where to they arise? How have idea about education changed over time? Values: what do we want to pass on to children? How do we know what is valuable? What is the emphasis on content and process, and how are they related? What is the role of the teacher?
What is geography/what is its purpose? What is distinctive about geography? (object/methods of enquiry/disciplinary concepts) What is a discipline/subject? How has geography changed over time? Why do subjects change? How is geography of value to children? What does it contribute to their education?
2. Curriculum What to teach? Why subjects? What is knowledge? How is it different from subjective experience? What different types of knowledge are there? How do we decide what to put in the curriculum? What are the different models of curriculum development? What should be in a geography curriculum? How do we know? How do curricula vary between schools? Why? How do we plan for progression in the curriculum? What is the place of skills, values and enquiry in the curriculum?
3. How do children learn geography? Child/adolescent development (intellectually/emotionally) What are concepts? Why are they important to intellectual development? What concepts do pupils learn in geography? How do pupils learn concepts? (Inferences) How and when do children learn skills and values in geography? Differentiating learning e.g. SEN & EAL
4. Pedagogy How do we plan for teaching geography? lessons/sequences of lessons/SoW What methods can we use to teach geography? When and why do we use them? What resources are available for teaching geography? How do we plan for differentiation? How do we plan for developing skills of enquiry?
5. Assessment What different aspects of geographical learning do we assess and why? When do we assess pupil learning and how often? How do we assess pupils learning? What different types of assessment are there? Preparing for assessment at GCSE/A Level. What is the difference between assessment and accountability in schools?
Pedagogical content knowledge/subject knowledge Biogeography Weather and climate Rivers Geomorphology/geology Glaciation Soils Urban (London) Development/Economic geography Environmental issues Tourism Regions: Sub-Saharan Africa/Middle East Mapping and GIS
Conclusion Our tradition: philosophy, sociology, history and psychology of education Conceptual knowledge, empirical knowledge and ethical knowledge (Orchard and Winch 2015) Teacher: practical wisdom/perspective/judgement